True Life in God Messages

Notebook 23 True Life in God 215 ignored. We all drink from the same bitter Cup, sharing It with Jesus.) Vassula, you have Me before you; it is I, your God, who in the end will show to you all My Glory; I know what I chose... I have found the least of all My creation; I chose you so that everybody may see that all Authority will descend directly from Me and Me alone ... and not from you! Vassula, I am the Keeper of this Garden and no one stunts the tall trees but Me, allowing the low ones to grow; My Word will descend upon you, creation, as a Thunderbolt! woe to the unfaithful! Vassula, keep Me in your heart, have Our Peace; April 11, 1988 Lord, do not refuse me since I am the least in Your Eyes, have pity on me and feed me, if You wish, even the remaining crumbs Lord; St Mary do not despise me, please have mercy and let the Lord throw to me a few remaining crumbs, please keep me alive! amen come! have My Bread, I will not refuse you! from my own Hand I will feed you; I will, Vassula, embellish you; delight Me and praise Me! Praised be the Lord! come, write, write: Cain will not execute his plan and get rid of his brother this time; I will hinder him, I will surprise him; little does he know that I am entering in his room, as a thief enters, 1 to unseam his plan, leaving him naked; 1 Is Jesus doing it now? and Cain will remain naked until he comes to Me, repenting; pray for this hour; this hour which will rise pleas and supplications and fear; this will be an hour of Justice; be blessed, My child; I, your Holy Father, love you; I Am the Holy Trinity, you have discerned well! write it; (I discerned, while Jesus was saying I am your Holy Father, a ‘triple’ Jesus, like those fancy pictures of one person but made as though they are three: one coming out of the other, all similar and all three the same.) I am the Holy Trinity, all in One; I love you; come, child, I will initiate you into deep mysteries, all for My Glory; hold My Hand, I am He who created you; we, us? Yes, Lord! April 12, 1988 (Since yesterday in moments of weakness, Satan took advantage of this and attacked me leaving my soul agitated. Immediately, I felt Jesus tightening our bonds; they really look like soft ropes. I felt His whole arm since the bonds were tighter. I felt as if we were some sort of Siamese twins. He used to lean forward, facing me anxiously. I felt consoled.) I am near you; come, I bless you; I love you, My Vassula; My Eyes never leave you, especially in these moments of weakness; I do tighten our bonds; think, Vassula, I healed you so that the world may see that I am still among you; Vassula, 2 I healed you to use you; thrusting you out of My arms, yes, out of My arms into the world, as My Net; daughter, allow Me to use you in this way; I pull My Net now and then in, and I delight to find My Net with some catch; 2Jesus’ tone saddened.