True Life in God Messages

214 True Life in God Notebook 23 one day establish My Works which I have given you; you, My child, shall bear this name upon you: ‘Victim-of-Love’; I will never abandon you nor will I ever fail you; every word will be written thousands of times till the End of Times; I have established between you and Me Eternal Bonds; these Bonds are our Alliance of Love between us; these Bonds bear My Name, and are for ever and ever, and for all Eternity; I, the Lord, love all of you and it is for the sake of those who seek The Truth that I come to show them again what The Truth really is and what It means since they have forgotten It; I am The Truth and The Truth is Love, Fathomless Love, Sublime Love, Eternal Love; My Book is a Book of Love; My bride, come and love Me; I am glorified by your love; understand now why I have descended through you, child; it is not just to manifest in you My love for you alone, but for all1 My creation! I come to remind them how much I love them; My Heart tears and lacerates to see so many of My creation give way to Satan! how I suffer to see on the way to perdition so many of My sacerdotals! I Am the Word, The Holy One of Holies, The Eternal God, Emmanuel; and your Saviour whom you pierced many years ago and never cease piercing through and through; why, what difference is there now or the days of old when I was in flesh and nailed on the Cross? I am being repeatedly pierced with your bigotry, your haughtiness, your apostasy and your obduracy to hear; you have not stopped remaining lethargic towards My Signs, My Miracles, My Divine Works; today you are mocking Me like yesterday; I am mocked by you, you on whom I have entrusted millions of souls, you are recrucifying Me, nailing Me 1 ‘All’ was pronounced in this way: aaalll. anew on the wood with your apathy; O all you whose heart still lies barren, 2 whose heart has turned into granite, will you ever allow your hearts to be touched by Me and softened and opened? 3 will you one day stop piercing Me? 4 My Mouth is dryer than parchment for thirst of love; My Eyes have grown weary watching you spill your words on My Altar; you offer Me your prayers but before they reach Me they evaporate in the air like mist; I turn away My Eyes from you for I know what lies deep within your hearts; I stifle! ... I suffocate! to have to watch My seed filled up with dead words, to have to watch you coming fearlessly to Me treading upon Our Divine Hearts so openly! 5 so obviously! how then do you expect My lambs to trust you? ah Vassula! My Heart bleeds profusely; enter into My Heart and feel your God's Wounds; J - E - S - U - S !! My heart screams with pain, to feel You in this state, Oh my Beloved God! What have they done? .... what are they doing? reveal My Works of Love; reveal Them to all men; even to those who will treat you as a jester, My child; they will in the end see My Glory; (I am shattered, the Lord knows it. I have already been treated as a jester, as a deceiver, as possessed, as the Anti-Christ, as mentally-ill. I have been mortified because people do not even hide their feelings when they mean to hurt you. Will I bear to go on, on these grounds? I am weak ... my soul is weary .... my two witnesses have also no real authority and no power, they go through the same way I am going, scorned and dejected, disbelieved and 2Jesus’ voice was sad and pleading. 3Again, sad and pleading. 4Again, sad and pleading. 5St Mary’s and His Heart.