True Life in God Messages

Notebook 23 True Life in God 213 for you, you belong to Me and I to you, Love will guide you; Lord, I have given You my heart, You can do what You please with me. trust Me then; take My Hand, I will not fail you, ever! Lead me Lord, for You are my guide and God. come, do not forget Me; bless Beatrice; I, the Lord, bless her; we, us? Yes Lord, together for eternity. (Easter) Holy Thursday I had on Wednesday been to Church and the priest blessed each one with myrrh mixed with oil. We were allowed to dip a piece of cotton in this mixture which was blessed by the Church and take it home. Beatrice arrived at my place so that we go to Church. Jesus asked me to bless her. So I blessed her with the oil and myrrh I kept. One blesses in this way: while blessing one forms the sign of the cross with the myrrh and oil on the forehead, left and right cheek, chin, hands inside the palms as well as above. The priest had uttered some words about healing of body and soul. Jesus by locution made me understand that He would utter these words. While later on in Church, sometimes my mind would wander away, because of the language problem. The Greek is classical Greek and I understand next to nothing. To keep my mind from wandering in these three hours was difficult, but Jesus made sure that this would not happen. Every time my mind started to wander away, Jesus would say: “be near Me” , or “keep near Me” . I think He must have told me this ten times or so.) April 8, 1988 (Holy Friday) Jesus? I am; why did you doubt? 1 ah! all I ask from you is love; love Me and My thirst is quenched! love Me and My Wounds are soothed! love Me and My Spirit will exult in you! love Me and you will defeat My foes! My Spirit is upon you, My child; we, us? we, us? Yes Lord. Yes, St Mary. We, us, for ever and ever. April 9, 1988 ((Easter) Holy Saturday) I love you; united to Me you are now, and every step you take, I bless, My child; I am The Resource of your life; I am The Resurrection; Lord, although this Message has converted many laymen and they rejoice, I feel sad that we have sent copies of the message to at least 33 ecclesiastical authorities and no one replied except for two. One said she did not feel obliged to give in her opinion. The other one said he was overworked and had no time for this. Lord, I feel sad! My Vassula, let it be that way; Vassula, leave Me free to have it My way; I will 1 I was looking where in the Bible it is written the words Jesus said on March 29 1988 (“I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind”). I found it in Ac. 2:17 and I knew that also it was elsewhere in the Bible, because once Jesus had shown me that passage. I asked Jesus to show me again where it was in the whole Bible. After looking for a while and not finding it, it appeared as though I was looking for a needle in a haystack! I thought maybe Jesus did not hear me, and I said louder, “O Jesus, maybe I should shout, maybe You didn't hear!” Before finishing my last word, I discovered I was saying these words while I had the right page that I was looking for. It was right in front of my nose. So He said to me, “Why did you doubt?”