True Life in God Messages

212 True Life in God Notebook 23 am at their very doors knocking, why do they refuse to hear? if they long for Me and do not hear Me it is because of their apostasy that has grown as thick as slime; I am here now, waiting for them to open their hearts, but they push Me aside, oppressing Me; lift up your eyes and you will behold your Saviour, recognise Me! do not tread on My Providential Works, offering no Peace to My children, and so none of them follow you with your own traditions; give them My Peace; do not be surprised at the weak instruments I use to manifest Myself through them; I am God and I choose whom I please; daughter, rely on Me, trust Me, we us? Yes, Lord. come; April 7, 1988 Jesus? I am; have My Peace, Vassula; realise that I have not brought you all the way here, forming you to abandon you now; I love you all; it is I, the Lord, searching to heal souls and redeem them; O soul! 1 yes it is I, your Saviour, who came to you2 to heal you, beloved soul; it is I, the Lord, who came at your door knocking; O so beloved soul, I have brought you to Me; I am now feeding3you, come! approach Me; I will embellish you and purify you; I will heal all your wounds; I will restore you, My child; it is I who came to you, I sought your soul; come and I will console you; come and rest in Me soul; come to Me and eat Me; come 1This is a cry for the one who is reading Him now. 2Here Jesus is talking to the one who is reading His Message. 3 ‘Feeding’ stands for: reading and understanding. and drink Me; hear your Redeemer’s call and your soul will live; I love you, beloved soul; My Blood was shed in Rivers for you, for your salvation; soul? come and share My cloak, I will shelter you; I will be your Refuge; I am Jesus and Jesus means Saviour; (Jesus has given this message talking to whoever is reading Him. It is not a coincidence that you are reading His Peace and Love Message. It is He, Jesus, who searched for you, came to you and gave you this message to read.) enlarge My Kingdom by distributing My Message as you do; it is I who will establish My Works extending My Kingdom; remember I always reach My goals; smile at your Saviour, bless Me; (I turned around and blessed Jesus.) I bless You Jesus Christ, I bless You. I bless you too; synchronise with Me tonight; I was abandoned by My brothers and betrayed by one of them; share My anguishes of Gethsemane, do not abandon Me; I will not, Lord. have Me always in your mind, console Me in this way; show Me that you will not abandon Me Vassula; share My agony, share My Cup , be with Me till the end; live My Passion, glorify Me! stay near Me; Jesus. Yes I will. (Jesus appeared as though He was reliving it.) O Vassula! enter into My Sacred Heart, enter into its depths, therein you will find Peace; I, the Lord, have kept a place