True Life in God Messages

Notebook 23 True Life in God 209 March 29, 1988 Jesus, O Jesus, what should one answer to the ecclesiastics who sneer using the word ‘apparitions’? We1are helpless and have no knowledge to statements like this latest one: “Apparitions? Seek The Truth and not in apparitions.” This was said to my companion Beatrice by a Catholic priest. She had nothing to say, nor would I have had either. We are helpless, Lord! flower, I will assure you that I am the Truth and My Word2 is the Truth, but many of My own have forgotten My Words; hardened at heart, they seek in darkness; it is written3 that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind and that My children shall prophesy again, I will give dreams and visions to many, even to the least of them I will give; I will give you hope and encourage you by displaying portents in heaven and on earth, these are My Signs of today! 4 I have said that out of the babe’s mouth you shall hear The Truth! so to those who condemn My Divine Works of today I tell you this: your apostasy is condemning you!! 5 all you who disbelieve and have made desolate My Garden, come to Me and repent!! come, child, I love you; have My Peace; eat from Me, hold on to Me; I am by your side; I love You, Lord. Praise be the Lord! endeavour to keep up My Teachings and follow Them; I, the Lord, love you; I am Present wherever you are, so smile at Me when you look at Me! ... blessed are the 1Beatrice and I. 2Scriptures. 3 Jesus was so very angry. Shouting! Jesus reminded me of the way He shouted at the Pharisees that day in the Temple! 4Jl. 3:1-4. Ac. 2:17-20. 5Jesus was very cross, shouting even louder! simple in heart, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; Justice will prevail and My House will be renewed with Simplicity enveloped by Integrity; allow Me, child, to imprint on you My Divine Words; I shall not fail you; rest in My Heart and let your Lord rest in yours; Jesus, give me the strength, the faith and the love to do Your Will. Teach me to obey You and humble myself, teach me to forgive my oppressors and repay evil with love. I am teaching you, Vassula; yes, 6 smile at Me, believe in My Presence; be faithful to Me, be My reflection; yes, Vassula, My Body aches, right in the middle of My Heart lies the lance's blade; Where, Lord! in the very sanctuary and depths of My Foundation, My Sacred Heart is bleeding; in My agony, I sought to warn them; arise daughter! ecclesia needs you; My House lies in darkness from the apostasy and iniquitism; and because of their sins, My flock has been scattered; how I cry from My Cross, ah Peter!! 7 I come to you because I know you remained faithful to Me; oh8 Peter, look at My Heart ... hear My cries, beloved soul; I, the Lord, find no love, no holiness in those Cains; they are many, they have laid desolate My House; on what will My lambs feed since their hands are empty? they have nothing to offer them since they made a desert out of My Foundation; pray, Peter, and I will lift you so that your eyes will see this wilderness from above and I will let you penetrate into the Wound of My Heart; I 6 I had smiled at Him. 7 ‘Peter’ was cried out like Peeeteeer, in a long cry. 8This was more of a moan of suffering.