True Life in God Messages

208 True Life in God Notebook 22 Jesus, in those who deny Your Works of today? yes, none, every time I cry from My Cross, it is that at this same instant I see one of My own giving way to Satan; Vassula, My own, My priest, 1 I love you; Jesus, why call me priest when womenpriests are not allowed? I have sanctified you, soul; I have chosen you, soul; understand that My Eyes see your soul, My Heart feels your soul; I love your soul, not your body, your soul is within your body; try and perceive My Words, 2 look upon it as I, your God, sees it; (The soul is what counts for God. A soul after death goes in heaven and will have no distinction of being female or male, all souls will be like angels. Jesus looks upon the soul and not what carries it, thus He makes no distinction on His chosen ones.) I love you; walk in My foot-prints; come, we, us; Yes, Lord. March 26, 1988 My God I no longer can detach my eyes from Your Divine Face my eyes are fixed upon you in endless hours of adoration and my mind cannot detach itself from You Beloved Father, every second upon earth and heaven my mind is absorbed in You, with You. 1 1 P. 2:9. 2 God does not want us to misunderstand this passage. We all know that our body is God's Temple yet God is working in our soul and embellishes our soul and not our body. I live for You and breathe for You, my joy is You and my smile. I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You endlessly. I love you, soul; peace upon you; adore Me; be blessed, face Me, your God, and delight Me! I have longed for this hour to come, how I longed to bring you near Me! May Your Name be praised, Lord! in the depths of My Sacred Heart I have kept a place for you; your home is in My Sacred Heart; come! come to Me; (Jesus gave me again the same vision I had when I was around ten years old, and the same words: “come, come to Me”. That was Jesus’ first call to me.) come, I love you; Vassula, hold on to Me and I will guide you; you belonged to Me from the beginning; daughter, do you love Me? To folly, Lord. to love Me glorifies Me and purifies you; follow My footprints; they will lead you where I wish you to be; let us pray, “Holy Spirit descend upon us, renewing us, fill our soul with Your Love, rest in our tormented soul, giving us Peace, envelop us with Your wings sheltering us from all evil, humble us, guide us in Your Light to be able to see Your desires and thus fulfil them, amen”