True Life in God Messages

Notebook 22 True Life in God 207 daughter, do not weary of coming to Me, kneeling and writing; I am your Saviour, your Spouse, sharing everything with you; come, console Me, I am weary; O come Lord! (Jesus seemed weary, His large shoulders slightly curved, sad. I feel the same. I want to please Him. I pray daily that the Pope will accept now His appeal. Hopefully, His Holiness will receive Jesus’ message by Friday 25th.) will you remember My Presence, Vassula? Yes, Lord Jesus, I will. us, we! Yes – us, we, for ever and ever. (Jesus is today weary and sad.) peace upon you, soul; Vassula, I am weary, weary of seeing how love and simplicity are missing; what use are rituals and sacrifices to Me when love is missing among them? flower, what greater joy than My barefoot disciples? 1 when in their hand they held but a staff guarding My lambs! I love simplicity, simplicity and poverty infatuates Me; My true disciples were barefoot, but rich in spirit; Vassula, courage; crucified I am, stretched on My Cross by My own; we are sharing My Cross, I and you, you and I; Love suffers ... March 24, 1988 peace upon you; (It is St. Mary.) Sacred Heart”. I recite these prayers every day before writing. Sometimes twice. 1Simple, without malice and humble. I love you; glorify God, pray for the redemption of souls; glorify Him by obeying His Will, being His bearer; He loves you tenderly, soul; never weary of writing; come and pray, telling Him this: “Almighty God, teach Your servant Your Ways, teach me humility, patience and love, guide me in Your Path of Righteousness and Virtues, I surrender myself to You, offering You my will, forgive my sins, renew me, make me worthy so that You may use me fully, amen” ah Vassula, I will look after you always, take My Hand; Ecclesia will revive and, in the end, Our Hearts2will prevail; My apparitions are to encourage souls of God’s Works; they are a call to return to Us, a warning; this year, I shall appear to many; visions I shall give and visionaries there will be; pray that the Holy Church returns as in the beginning, when every Work of God was welcomed without disbelief and contempt, without doubt; pray that the Holy Church’s faith will be renewed again, like in the past; and believe in Miracles, apparitions and visions, for this is one way of God speaking to you, ask for a renewal; Thank You, St. Mary. 3 do not worry, I am praying day and night; here is Jesus; Vassula, 4 I am; look at Me soul, I find no holiness in them; 2Jesus and Her Heart. 3 I asked St. Mary to pray for us. 4 I discerned Jesus, but I was not sure.