True Life in God Messages

206 True Life in God Notebook 22 your Lord, to all those who bear witness for Me; All Christians, Lord? yes, to all those who love Me; I, the Lord, do not want any divisions in My Church; you will, for My sake, unite and under My Name love Me, follow Me and bear witness for Me; you will love one another as I love you; you will unite and become one flock under one Shepherd; 1 I have, as you all know, selected Peter, giving him the authority; I have, as you all know, given him the keys of the kingdom of heaven; I have asked Peter to feed My lambs and sheep, looking after them; 2 this authority was given by Me; I have not desired you to alter My wish; assemble, beloved ones, reinforcing My Church; seek in Me what I desire; seek My interests and not yours; seek to Glorify Me, Glorify Me by uniting creation; vivify My Body; I love all of you; open your ears and hear My cry from My Cross! Vassula, remember where your home is? yes, in My Sacred Heart; come, come beloved; I am waiting, I love you boundlessly;  I love You Lord and Saviour, please teach me to please You, so that I am able to be with You, so that I am able to be used by You. I am teaching you, be pliant and look after My interests only; we, us at all times, I for you, you for Me; at your side I Am; pray, Vassula, for the redemption of souls; I have created you for this Message; Thank You, Jesus. 1The Pope. 2Jn. 21:17. March 23, 1988 Jesus? I am; Love will prevail; I am Love, have My Peace; fear not, it is I, Jesus; will you come, I am waiting; I will guide you where I guided others too to love Me; beloved, I will take you there; pray, My Vassula; be aware of the snares of the devil, for if My creation will not change or repent… Lord! How is it that You say ‘if’’ when many times You say that You will change us and that Your Kingdom will come? I do not understand ... listen and understand: I have given you the freedom to choose; I, the Lord and Sovereign, the Light, descend upon you, creation; I descend in this thick darkness to offer you My Heart in My Hand, to redeem you and Shine upon you; I come to wash away your countless sins and offences against Me, I come to call you back to Me; I come to unite My Church, I come to remind you to whom I, the Lord, have given the Authority and the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; I come to teach you all to honour My Mother and to bend your knees for Her, for She is crowned by My Hand and is Queen of Heaven; creation! beware of the devil, for he is redoubling his efforts to ensnare you and in the meantime pretending he is nonexistent so that he manoeuvres without being feared; O creation! he is preparing a large holocaust upon you, O how I cry from My Cross! creation, return to Me! do not let him ensnare you by denying Me! pray, pray for the return of souls, let every soul learn the prayers I have given you, 3 let them learn those prayers; I love all of you, I love all of you; 3Those prayers are: “The Memorare of St. Bernard”, “Prayer to St. Michael”, “Novena of Confidence to the