True Life in God Messages

202 True Life in God Notebook 22 yes, creation ... dead are the virtuous days when blessings were welcomed; Era of Wretchedness, I will revive you! I will pour into your dead hearts My Sap which will heal you! Oh how I love you all! write; Yes, Lord. (God sounded hurt and sad. He could, if He was not All Merciful and Tender, have struck us easily and finish us off. But out of His Boundless Mercy and His Limitless Love, He pities us, forgives us and will heal us.) yes, I love you all in spite of what you have become; will I ever abandon you? never! March 11, 1988 Glory be to God! (After having read the three prayers I heard from Heaven Celestial Voices saying: “ Glory be to God; thus it was written; ”) Jesus? I am; I am near you; pray, beloved, for Russia’s conversion; Russia will be resurrected by My Divine Hand and at this peak of Holiness, while My Hand will be posed upon her, warming her cold heart, reviving her, she will arise from the stillness of death and her world of darkness into My World of Peace and Light; with a loud cry she will manifest her joy, beholding her Saviour by her side; I will lift her to Me and My Flame of Love will enflame her heart, purifying her, and leaving her in total rapture for Me, her God; O Russia, My Russia! how I the Lord love you, 1 how I wept to see you dead; I shed so many bitter and sorrowful tears upon you, beloved, when I lost you, and all Heaven was mourning for you; why, why, My beloved, had you rejected Me, piercing My Heart full of Love and Tenderness; (I felt St. Mary near me.) peace upon you, My child; I am your Holy Mother; pray for your sister for the Lord is by her side today and soon His Divine Hand will touch her cold and dead heart; O creation! the Lord will revive your Sister-so-Unloved; be alert, daughter, for her time of her glory is near; Petro! 2 My so beloved Petro? 3 yes, Vassula; for years I have been pleading you4 to consecrate Russia; now the Lord and all the Martyr Saints have heard your pleas and cries; all your sacrifices were not in vain, beloved; all tears were not shed for nothing, those tears were a balm for Jesus’ Wounded Heart; praise the Lord, Petro; Jesus is at your very doors, knocking; peace upon you; peace upon you all; I love you all; March 13, 1988 My Lord, thank You for all the graces You have given me to be with You 1God was speaking again as no human can speak but God only; with so much love... 2 Suddenly St. Mary turned Her head toward JohnPaul II, as if he was present; in pronouncing his name, Her voice was very sweet but sad, full of a special love for him. 3St Mary had tried to keep back Her tears, but could not, She said those words breaking into tears, She wept very much, shedding many tears and I started to weep too with her. I felt that Our Holy Mother had a ‘weakness’ for ‘Petro’. 4Pope John-Paul II.