True Life in God Messages

Notebook 22 True Life in God 201 be intimate with Me; come, I love you, love your Teacher too; 1and into My House you will assemble the great, disarming them, and out of My Mouth you will speak, crowning your God with wreaths of Love and Peace, replacing My thorned Crown; and I, the Lord, will pour from My Celestial Hall on My creation, Integrity, Love and Peace; little child, receive from your God, Peace; I led you, My Vassula, I formed you and now you are to proceed with Me, your hand clasped into My Hand, into My Bleeding Body; follow Me and remember, neither look left nor right, walk straight to achieve your task; do not fear, I will embellish your soul to enable you to cast out and disarm My foes; I, the Lord, am among you all, at your very doors I Am! I have with Me three Crowns, a Crown of Peace, a Crown of Love and a Crown of Justice; March 9, 1988 Lord, have You heard? Pater Vassili has changed. Now he says that all this is from the devil. He also says that You only go to souls with a mature faith in You and not to the unworthy. My child, here is one more who has to learn to believe in My Infinite Mercy and My Infinite Wealth; write My message for him; why are you treading on My flower? have I not given you eyes to see and ears to hear? do you not perceive? I am the Lord Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God; it is I, it is I who stunts the tall trees and it is I who lets the low ones grow; cherish My Works of today, believe in My Providential Works; I have given you My 1 There was a pause here, then Jesus gave a prophecy. child to enlighten you with My Works; I, the Lord, am Infinite Wealth; fear not, how could I see My lambs dispersed? I have come to find them and feed them, I have come to embellish My Garden, I have come to irrigate this Wilderness; do not tread on My flower, come to Me and repent; do not listen to Satan’s voice; I love you boundlessly and for this reason I have come to unite you all, creation! walk with Me your God, do not remove nor kick on My bricks which repair My House, this House which today is in ruin; never doubt that it is I, the Lord! Vassula lean on Me, be near Me, let My Hand clasp your hand; I, the Lord, love you; we, us? Yes, Lord Jesus. come then; March 10, 1988 Jesus? I am; peace be with you; are you willing to continue working for Me, Vassula? I’m willing to continue, yes, if it is the Lord’s wish. I am the Lord, little one; it is I, Jesus, who feeds you; I wish you to embellish My garden; I wish you to revive My Church; follow Me and I will act in you, through you; satisfy My thirst; altar! keep My Flame ablaze to warm these icy winds which penetrated My children's hearts; O era, you have fallen as low as Sodom! and your breed is a breed of Cains! so few are like Abel; your era has grown coarse at heart; do you know why, creation? because Love is missing among you; you have forgotten Me and you disbelieve in My Providential Works of today;