True Life in God Messages

200 True Life in God Notebook 22 ecclesia will revive and into your Father's House you will assemble them, blessing them, and I will deliver them from evil and I, the Most High, will be among you, and you will speak from My Mouth; approach your God all you who desire Me and take your fill of My Fruit; 1 come, all those who love Me and follow My Ways; come and have your fill; eat My Fruit and you will hunger for more; come all those who are thirsty, drink Me and you will thirst for more; whoever follows My Virtues will never feel ashamed; whoever acts as I desire, will glorify Me; ah Vassula will I ever abandon you? listen again, and I am going to embellish My garden; I will water My orchard, I will irrigate My flower-beds and make discipline shine out; every word will be written by Me; I, the Lord, initiated you in the knowledge of My mysteries for My interests and for My Glory; Beloved Father, I love You limitlessly. I do! come, remember, we, us ... March 7, 1988 (I asked God to lift my veil for just one moment. I looked, standing in front of all the Revelation. Suddenly I was struck by its size and the work inside those pages, pages which I could have never done alone, in such a short time. A strange feeling came inside me, a feeling like a shock! It was like I started to realise everything deeper. I feel very shaken.) Jesus, have we really worked together? Vassula, yes, we haveworked together! 2 will you kiss Me now? 1This Message. 2Shocked, I was shaking, weeping. (I got up all shaken, stumbled towards the Holy Shroud portrait and kissed Jesus.) see? see how you feel when I lift just a little bit the veil I placed on your eyes? come, never doubt of My Providential Works, they are all for restoring My House, and assembling My lambs; they are for watering My flower-beds; come, I, the Lord, will remind you always My Presence; Vassula, we us? O Yes, Lord, we, us. come; March 8, 1988 Peter! I am at your very doors now; Glorify My Body; I will unite My lambs, even those which are not of this fold; I am calling, and they will recognise the Shepherd's Voice; the hours are fleeing and My Return is now very near; Love will come back to you as Love and My Kingdom on earth will be as it is in Heaven; for Justice, Love and Peace will pour from Heaven upon you, creation! Vassula, since you know now how much you depend on Me your God, will you be praying more? I love your simple words, say to Me, “I love You Lord, I breathe for You, I smile for You, I hope in You, I believe in You, You are my joy, my bounce, my peace;” yes, tell them to Me, your Holy Companion, share your days with Me; how I wish My children to realise My close Presence; I am by their side ever so present, anywhere, anytime; if they only realised this, they would fall less, they would sin less; tell them, I wish them to