True Life in God Messages

Notebook 22 True Life in God 199 trust Me and allow Me to guide you blindly till the end; I will at times place My Cross on your shoulders to bear; I and you, you and I, I will rest in you and you in Me; I Am All Faithful and will never abandon you, ever! please Me more by devoting your soul entirely for My Works, you must keep true to your vow, your vow of fidelity; yes! O how I sought from you these words, I longed to hear from you these words, Lord help me to keep my vow, I do not trust myself! do not fear, I will always remind you since I know of your ineffable weakness; you are frail but I will annihilate your weakness by My Strength; remember My Presence; we, us, at all times, for ever and ever; love, hope and have faith; I, the Lord Jesus Christ, will never abandon you; March 2, 1988 (I recited the three prayers.) praise the Lord! glory be to God! (This was St. Michael.) Jesus? Love is here; Glorify My Name; revive My Church; restore My House; embellish My garden! cease to do evil! Ecclesia will revive and Peace will be among you all; Vassula I want you perfect ... be innocent; I love children because of their innocence, they have no malice; come, come and forgive all those who denied you; let their sin be like waters which have passed away; flower, I will embellish your soul to disarm the stonehearted; give! give! give to them, replace evil by love; be My reflection! O Peter, My Peter! 1 lead, beloved of My Soul, My flock back into Integrity! Peter? look at Me; look, beloved, into My Face; honour Me, your Lord; Love and Loyalty now meet, Righteousness and Peace are at your very doors now; I rescue all those who cling on Me; I am your Refuge; look around you Peter, have you not seen? have you not noticed? My Eyes have grown weary watching the Cains slaughter My Abels; for I have given them ears but they refuse to hear; I have given them eyes but they refuse to see; their hearts have grown coarse; they seek their glory and not Mine; O Peter how weary I am ... Love is missing ... Glorify Me Peter! Glorify Me beloved; (Jesus spoke to Peter full of love. Our Lord sounded so sad and weary, talking to Peter He sounded as if He knew He could rely on him.) March 3, 1988 Vassula embellish My Church, enter into My Domain barefoot; 2 carry with you My Message; do not look left or right, walk with Me straight to Peter and hand in My Message to Him; 3 I will be near you all the time; I will remind them how I the Lord Am; follow My instructions, child; Yes, my God . have faith in Me and remember how I work; 1 Peter is symbolic to the recent Pope. Whenever Jesus utters this name I feel His Heart swell with such Love!! 2That means humbly, and poor in spirit. 3 I did it in God’s time. God was asking me an impossible task and I did not know how this would come about. Nevertheless, even this was accomplished later on...