True Life in God Messages

198 True Life in God Notebook 22 I love You, Lord (Rhodos) (God allowed me to visit Rhodos again. Those who knew of the revelations invited me to meet others. People listened, understood and praised the Lord for His Mercy. Many got private messages from the Lord. The group got bigger per day, many returning to God, praising Him. I spent my days meeting people, giving the messages; converting and healing was abundant. Those who wished to follow the program of visiting Churches and Chapels did so with me. We went even out of town to Chapels on the hills. Pater Yanni announced the revelation in his Church, to all attending. That was on February 24, at Sts Anaryiroi. In the afternoon on the same day I was invited to St. Nicola Church and Pater Vassili allowed me and the whole group who knew and followed the revelation (around 12 ladies, their husbands who also follow were at work then) to announce it in his Church, and one of the ladies read one of God’s messages from notebook 8. May God work in them now.) February 24, 1988 (Rhodos) Praise the Lord! beloved, every step you take I bless; Thank you Father, Glory be to God, may Your Holy Name be Glorified again Yes Lord. I will help you all, I will restore My House; My children I will draw back to Love, I will teach them My Ways of Virtue since they have forgotten them; I will enlighten My teachers and I will knock at every door, giving them hope, faith and love; I will embellish My Garden, see? I thank You, Lord and Saviour, for all Your Love and Mercy. You have opened the Gate of Mercy, and I thank you for making Yourself our Saviour... era! o era of Wretchedness, the hour has come, the hour of your redemption is at hand; My Ecclesia will revive, for Justice, Love and Peace will be among you; My Kingdom is at your very doors! March 1, 1988 Jesus? I am; (I saw Jesus standing near me.) every time you see Me, smile at Me; yes, flower, remain near your Saviour; come, let us pray to the Father; “behold Father, what You have in Your sight, You have Wretchedness, forgive me Father, for I am not worthy to have been given all those graces, I merit nothing for I am Nothing, allow this Nothing to lean on You in Your fathomless Goodness, I love You Beloved Father in spite of my wretchedness and nothingness, I need Your Strength to be able and work and fulfil all that must be fulfilled with Your Grace, amen” ah Vassula, seek all My Virtues, follow them and grow in them; I, the Lord, love you in spite of your nothingness; lean on Me in all times, I will support you fully;