True Life in God Messages

Notebook 21 True Life in God 197 yet, My Vassula, Scripture never lies; Scripture says those words, “Mother of my Lord”; Elizabeth, who was inspired by the Holy Spirit, spoke these words; write: “Of all women You are the most Blessed, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb; why should I be honoured with a visit from the Mother of My Lord?” the words I have said from My Cross are much deeper than many of you seem to understand; 1 honour My Mother, who is your Holy Mother too; rest now in My Heart; please Me by remembering My Presence, honour Me, My Vassula; Yes, My God. February 19, 1988 (Rhodes) Father? I am; Thank You for letting me meet so many souls. Thank You for opening the way. Thank You for leading me. Help them, my God, to hear You so that they may be healed. Vassula, lean on Me; My Hand in your hand, we will proceed; O era of Wretchedness, how far have you gone! you have gone as far as to believe that you are able to walk without Me; you have gone as far as to believe you are worthy; you have allowed Satan to feed you his vanity; wretched beyond words, sinful and blind, do not allow yourselves to rest; be alert, do not sleep, for the time is near; grow in My Spirit, approach Me with confidence and open your hearts to receive Me; 1 Jesus means also the other words, like “My God, why have You abandoned Me”. many of you pray; but your prayers do not reach Me; learn how to pray, let Me feel you; many prayers are spilled on earth, never reaching Me; You mean lip-service, Lord? yes, I mean lip service; I offered you My Word to learn and now I offer you My Message to remind you of My Ways; come and learn, I will replace your wickedness by love; accept My Ways, My Ways of Virtue; era of Unfaithfulness, why have you forgotten My Divine Ways? return to Me your Saviour; I have not forsaken you, and in spite of all your sins I love you; My Heart is an abyss of Love, an abyss of Forgiveness; February 20, 1988 Love is near you; daughter, encounter Me in the beginning of My tribulations; My time is drawing near; I seek in you a sacrifice; meditate and fast; Vassula, learn from Fretheriki, her ways please Me; 2 learn how to honour My tribulations, then come and behold your Saviour on the Cross; satisfy Me by meditating, fasting; live in My Wounds; reveal to all the time of My Passion; reveal to them the correct hour of My Crucifixion; let there be peace among you; (The Lord last year gave me the correct date: as the ‘Orthodox’ follow It, with the Orthodox calendar.) let there be Peace now among you; now you all know; call Me, Vassula, more often; remember My Presence, satisfy Me; I love you; 2The manner she observes fasting.