True Life in God Messages

1145 not desire you, who are dust and ashes, recognize Her as Queen of Heaven - honouring Her? My grief of today is to see how little My creation know of Her importance. Most of My devoted ones who are under the name of Luther and who have isolated themselves entirely, must return to Peter. (22.12.1987) In another message, Christ reprimands those Christians who fail to see the greatness of the mystery of the Eucharist and Christ ’ s Divine Presence therein: … so I tell those churches whose clergy have not accepted My Mystery: "come to your senses and seek Me earnestly. Master you resentment, as well, against My Mother. May every race know that My flesh and My blood come from My Mother. Yes, My Body comes from the most Holy Virgin, from pure blood; blessed be Her Name! To save all the humble of the earth who receive Me and to give them imperishable life I became Bread to give Myself to you; and through this Communion I sanctify all who receive Me, deifying them to become the flesh of My Flesh, the bones of My Bones (...) through My Divinity I deify men (…) now I am judged by men; the Garment13 that can cover you, adorning you majestically, giving you a metamorphosis, divinising you, is rejected by those churches who cannot comprehend My Mystery…today again I cry out from heaven: "Brothers, why are you undermining My Divinity? If you claim that you are the ones who know what is right, then why is your spirit plundering My Church? (…) I am inviting you to celebrate Mass and partake of the Divine Mystery in the manner I truly instituted (…) They affirm My might, proclaiming My fearful power, singing their praises to Me, acknowledging My Omnipotence and My mighty wonders, but I become a stumbling stone when it comes to measure the magnificence of My Divinity and of My Presence in the Eucharist. (16.10.2000) Marital Status Further down in your question, you say about me receiving Holy Communion sometimes in the Roman Catholic church: “our concern about the Catholic followers who may interpret these attitudes in a relativisticmanner and are tempted to disregard the disciplines of their own church.” If according to the Canon Law which I have quoted above proves that I am in total concordance with the Catholic Church’s canon Law, I see no reason for the Catholic people to react relativistically. I am not in favour of divorce and am not seeking to promote the doctrine among Catholic Christians that remarriage of divorced people should be permitted. My divorce and civil remarriage was prior to my conversion. After my conversion under the light of the TLIG messages I discovered that my marital situation was not regular. However, nobody knew about this situation except myself and it was again by myself that I deplored it publicly. I have denounced my own situation when in fact nobody knew anything about it. Having realised my mistake, I approached my church authorities in Lausanne and went through a process of having everything cleared according to Orthodox marital regulations. I am thus an Orthodox Christian at peace with my Church and its regulations as any other Orthodox Christian and as such am allowed to receive the Eucharist in my own Church and in the Catholic Church according to the principles mentioned above. I in no way disregard the marriage regulations of the Catholic Church. For your information, I attach my Marriage Certificate with this document (Attachment 1). 13A symbolic name for Christ.