True Life in God Messages

1141 importance of the role of Peter is paired in later messages by an insight that spiritual renewal very well could be inspired by the Eastern Church. Thereby it becomes even more evident why the Body of Christ needs to breathe with both its lungs - that of the western and eastern presence of the Church: House of the West, you have realized, through the Light of My Spirit, that a body needs its two lungs to breath freely, and that My Body is imperfect with one lung; pray that My vivifying Spirit will join you together, but what have I to suffer before! 10 (27.11.1996) And another similar message: pray for the house of the east and the west to join together, like two hands when joined in prayer; a pair of hands, similar, and in beauty when joined together, pointing towards heaven, when in prayer. Let those two hands, belonging to the same body, work together and share their capacity and resources with each other… let those two hands lift Me together… (15.06.1995). Another message speaks of the role of the East in bringing the two houses together again, unifying the Body of Christ: Listen and write: glory will shine from the Eastern bank - that is why I say to the House of the West: turn your eyes towards the East. Do not weep bitterly over the Apostasy and the destruction of your House; do not panic, for tomorrow you will eat and drink together with My shoot from the Eastern bank - My Spirit will bring you together. Have you not heard that the East and West will be one kingdom? Have you not heard that I shall settle for one date? 11 I am going to reach out My Hand and carve on a stick the words: West bank, House of Peter and all those who are loyal to him; then, on another stick I will carve: East bank, House of Paul, together with all those who are loyal to him. And when the members of the two Houses will say: “Lord, tell us what you mean now”, I will say to them: “I will take the stick on which I carved Paul’s name together with all those who are loyal to him and put the stick of Peter and his loyal ones, as one. I shall make one stick out of the two and I shall hold them as one; I shall bind them together with My New Name; this will be the bridge between the West and the East. My Holy Name will bind the bridge, so that you will exchange your possessions across this bridge – they will no longer practise alone, but together, and I shall reign over them all. What I have planned shall happen, and should men say to you, daughter, that these signs are not from Me, tell them: “do not fear - have you not heard that He is the Sanctuary and the stumbling stone as well? The Rock that can bring down the two Houses but raise them up again as one single House?” (24.10.1994) Again, this message takes nothing away from the role and authority of Peter, but it highlights the importance of having the eastern and western parts of the Body of Christ united so that the World may believe. 10 I understood at the same time “what have we to suffer before!” The “we” was meant for Pope John Paul II together with Jesus. 11 I understood that Christ was referring to all of His messages of unity, calling us all to unify the dates of Easter. This alone seems to “settle” Him and satisfy His thirst for unity. Christ promised us that if we unify the dates of Easter, He will do the rest.