True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 110 1122 desire to possess Me you will cleave to your Bridegroom’s Bosom and you will be radiant in His Light, and through Me you will be able to say: “I know God and understand Him...” I allow everyone to approach Me and seize Me; for each one of you, I have prepared a fragranced path; this path that leads you into the Nuptial Chamber; do not be surprised of My glorious manifestation to you, but instead rejoice and allow Me to place the unction of My Love on you and hallow you, making a saint out of you; I am here to stir up your love for the Father, the Son and for Me, and as the Father and the Son said, I too say the same: the flow of My Word is sweeter than nectar and when I speak I do not use any rigid formulations; this is not the way I raise saints and martyrs or witnesses; to be perseverant and strong I give them My Spirit of fortitude and of piety, just as the Archangels Michael and Raphael who are predominant in strength and valiant Warriors of Justice, observing through My Light every aspect of human behaviour... to make the flowers appear on the earth and free the prisoners, My converse is sweeter than the honeycomb, sweeter than wine; virtue and religion were always in My dialogue with you all; I am the only One who could give you the hidden treasures, the secret hoards, so by inheriting Me is sweeter than the honeycomb; with oil of gladness I approach you to hymn to you melodious Odes arraying the whole universe with My sound; I do not come to you with sword by My side, but with everlasting Love because you are very precious in My Eyes; here I am to unite your soul in Our Love; am I to leave your soul as a desert forever? or am I here to be your Lamp and anoint you? I am against all pride and arrogance, against all that is haughty and disgrace, against all the lofty speakers, against the apostate; if you are one of these, how will your spirit learn the mysteries of God? see now how I grant you the Spirit of Grace to sow in you My celestial seeds to germinate in you an Eden? sowing within you a variation of seeds1 that will sprout into different incense-bearing trees and various plants? I will be like a watercourse running into a garden for I intend to irrigate My celestial seeds sown in you and embellish My flower beds and beds of spices; then with joy I can say: “the figtree is forming its first figs and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance; the incense-bearing trees give out their scent of myrrh and aloes; come then, My love, My lovely one, come; show Me your face, let Me hear your voice sing to Me; let Me see your crown burst into flower,” and I in My turn will allow you to unveil My Holy Face on our matrimonial bed; the One whom you were seeking passionately has taken form now inside you; blessed are those who fervently seek Me and find Me falling into My Embrace, they shall be transfigured and I will fill them with ineffable joy! blessed are those who could possess Me, I will invade them entirely with My Lustrous Light enriching them with Divine treasures; then you too will desire a nuptial union with Our Deity, with Us; knowing God enflames the soul, desiring nothing else but to be with God and sing to Him, becoming a theme of praise, a verse of the Psalms, a diadem, an altar to the Altar, an ivory tower, a field of lilies, amazing even the Angels; then My beloved, your shoots will form an orchard and will blossom; you will be like a garden enclosed by My Arms, in My Embrace a sealed fountain and I then can say: I have access now in My 1Represent the virtues.