True Life in God Messages

Notebook 109 True Life in God 1121 His methods without Me being in you is impossible, but I can open the door to knowledge through My transcendent Light in you, for I, the formless One, will take form in your spirit; as a resplendent Sun I will array My Light in you and revive what is dead, filling you with virtues; I am altogether a reflection of the Eternal Light and My Magnificence is magnified in all creation; and as I transcend I can fill all things with My radiance without being contained by their limits; I have the power to give you a true resurrection and join you in Us, to live a true life in Our Triune Holiness; therefore, for My part, I am delighted and rejoice to sing to you this Ode of Truth, this Ode as My wedding song... in Me were born the saints and martyrs; all souls to which I am joined become brides as well, for in My intimate relationship I have with them I become their Bridegroom each day of their life; and so it will be with you if you will be enamoured of Us; voluntarily you will thrust yourself in Me and savour the fullness of My Divine Love; from your birth I was eager to possess you and while I was seeing you grow I was, in secret, already celebrating our betrothals; I would have flown to you at your first sign of repentance and before you would be finishing your repentance I would cry out pounding My Royal Sceptre: “acquitted!” and would brand your forehead with My fiery baptismal kiss fragrancing all the universe; this would be a fore-sign of our matrimonial celebration, and I would offer you as a gift of My Love to you a crown made of the most fragrant flowers; each of its petals representing a virtue; only then would you be able to say: “I see...” and truly mean it; have you not read that everything that is perfect, everything that is good for distribution comes down from the Father of Lights and I am the distributor of all these heavenly gifts? today I am descending together with the Father and the Son as three Witnesses; God the Father is Spirit1 in that He sends Me, the Spirit of Truth, to be with you for ever and lead you to the complete Truth; the Word of God, Light and Saviour and who existed since the beginning, who is nearest to the Father's Heart, has witnessed and made the Father known to you; indeed, you have been bought and paid for with His Own Blood; the Word of God is alive and active and testifies on earth as I and the Father testify; the Holy One who bought His Church with His Own Blood testifies with His Blood and I, the Holy Spirit of Truth, testify with Water; 2 therefore, We are three Witnesses and all three of Us agree as We are One God alone, with one Will, one Power and one Dominion; and now if you ask what is the aim of Our Odes and Our reason; My answer to you is the following: We descend from heaven all the way to your room to offer you the gift of Our Love; like drops of pure myrrh We leave Our Words drop on you to anoint you and bless you; it is from Our compassion that We wish to re-educate you and save you and renew you in Me; We want to re-educate you to be justified by grace and become gods by participation to inherit Eternal Life; I am giving Myself to you graciously and the freer you will give yourself to Me the more you will receive of Me; I will then imbed you in Me like a royal gem unveiling to you many of My mysteries, as I will be your Bridegroom; in your 1 Jn. 4:24 and 1 Co. 15:45. The description “Spirit” in the biblical sense does not define God’s nature so much as it describes His life-giving activity. God is Spirit in that He gives the Spirit. 2With Baptism.