True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 109 1118 water of Life instead, lifting you to the third heaven; Paradise is to be intertwined with Me, your God, in our spiritual espousals, becoming one with the Godhead; immersed in Me, you will have only one desire and that would be to be giving yourself unceasingly to My Will, while I will be giving Myself unceasingly to My beloved; these are My sweet Odes I have now sung for all of you, My sweet Doctrine, My Dialogue that every soul should hear;  (The Holy Spirit speaks:) peace be with you; behold, the Bridegroom stoops over you to sing His Ode as well to you and communicate words of Life; I am the Spirit of Truth who issues from the Father and sent by the Son, Jesus Christ; We are one Substance and one Power and one Knowledge and since We are one God alone We converse and give knowledge in the same manner and in the same terms; this great knowledge is transmitted to you filled with love; what is Eternal Life? Eternal Life is to know Us in Our Triune Glory; therefore, if you are wavering, not knowing what I mean, I offer you My Hand and once you take it I will offer you through Grace Life in Us; receive My precious help for this will prepare you to espouse Me and be forever in My Divine Presence; I will then be the ineffable Parousia in your heart because I am the inner power within you; I said I will offer you Life through Grace; what is Grace? it is like a lustrous light that shows you how to share in the Divine Life; Our Triune Holiness and Mercy perfume the whole cosmos; My sweetest Ode will be sung to you to lift your spirit to adorn it in a matrimonial robe; this is Our graceful aim: that you give yourself and will to Us and that We give Ourself to you to enable you to know Us and love Us as We love Ourself; then and only then will your spirit be revolving around heavenly realities and angelic virtues... I am descending in this majestic manner, Vassula, in the way you have seen Me, with sovereignty and full of grace, 1 with royal splendour and inexpressible beauty to join Myself to you; I saw someone like the Son of man; a formidable figure so perfect in grace that only God can possess that grace; His so perfectly beautiful movement while descending some steps of a Palace, left me in awe; I knew it could only be a Palace because of their beauty and their dazzling surface; this glorious divine Being was vested with, what seemed, a heavy robe that extended over His Feet; as once before I saw the Father, the robe of this divine Being whom I knew was the Holy Spirit, had almost the same robe of the Father, because the robe shone as though it was covered with precious stones; the Father’s robe though was an unidentified colour, but this one was like diamonds that had a projector of light on them; part of His very long robe was falling well over the lower step partly on the left side since the left Foot was on the lower step already; to describe God is impossible, one will always fall short of words... to explore God is madness in itself! to express the ultimate Source of All, would be delirium! 1Suddenly a slight vision was given by grace to me.