True Life in God Messages

Notebook 109 True Life in God 1117 reason your heart is enticed, ask you to bear this wound of Love with sweetness, for this will increase your fervour to admonish even more now, your heart, from falling into temptations; altar! your statements entice Me, your vehement boldness to seize Me and hold Me fast without letting Me go so that I breathe over My garden and spread My sweet smell around it gives Me cause to widen your wound; is it because you have discovered honey and milk under My Tongue? or is it the scent of My garments? or is it may be My Divine dominion and power uniting the creature to the Creator? is it perhaps My radiant pure Light that draws you to Me, craving to seize Me and possess Me? Your All is the vigour of my passion; there is no other appropriate way of describing why; You are invisible God, yet I can still seize You and possess You without risking to catch fire since You are Divine Fire too; now that I seized You and hold You fast for sure I will not let You go! I will not let You depart from me, nor will I let You abandon me to be left alone in this life, oh, no! never.... though I know You can withdraw and weaken Your Light, I will still converse with You; I will be conversing with You under the twilight of the stars and the moon; but since a night is only brief, and dawn is bound to come anyway, I will once more be conversing under the rays and brilliance of the Sun! in You, I gather my myrrh, from You I am nourished, with honey and milk as drink; be eager, My beloved, to possess Me; My rewards are glorious to anyone I am espoused with; I deign to join My Heart to anyone who truly desires it and courteously invite them to a Divine union with Me; My Presence transcends all understanding, even when you say, My Vassula, that I am invisible, I dwell well within you; I will keep ravishing your heart so that I may keep obtaining the most exquisite fragrances from My beloved, and as the Father said once to you I tell you: “like someone stretching upwards his hand holding a censer filled with incense, I will lift your heart, holding it upwards, letting all those rarest essences swirl out to perfume Me and fragrance the earth; your sweet fragrance will be all around Me, delighting Me together with all heaven; My joy will be so great that it will be taken for a wedding dance...” and you who read so far this Ode, be eager to seek Me and unveil My Holy Countenance as well in the Nuptial Chamber; unveil My Holy Face and learn to contemplate My Beauty and My attractiveness; then as though in a spell, you too will embrace Me while you will be fading away in My Light; I will be shining in all your members, and anyone who sees you will be unable to tell one light from the Other... seek Me with great awareness, thirst for Love, pursue Me, reach out for Me... for your sake I slacken My pace to allow you to find Me; do you not desire Life? My Presence in you is Life, therefore enter into Life; I am the Gate that leads to Eternal Life; I am your Mystical Cup that once you drink from It, a life-giving spring will well-up from within you; a life spent with Me is indeed a life spent in contemplation on the Divine, receiving ineffable blessings that transcend mind and understanding, then the delights of this earth will simply lose their value for the Bridegroom will saturate you in the