True Life in God Messages

Notebook 109 True Life in God 1115 Vision will occur itself instantly; angelic virtues in variety will be your crown from thereon, for these are what I will offer you as a gift to attain perfection; the Absolute God then will intertwine Himself with you in the delicate scents of the Nuptial Chamber and be one with you, englobing you entirely in His Light until you yourself become light; enwrapped in My Holy Spirit, your mouth will be My Mouth, your limbs, My Limbs, your eyes, My Eyes, your utterance will be My Utterance; your acts and thoughts will all be divine; henceforth, your entire lustrous being and soul will be animated by Me; this will be the beginning of your new life in Me... I will be possessing you and you in your turn will be possessing Me; the desire for your Bridegroom will never be satisfied, although you will be sated by Divine Love, still, your thirst will keep augmenting... I will be, My beloved, your mystical Cup, your divine Liturgy, your flame in your heart, your radiant dowry, your resplendent Sun, your Holy Communion, your immortal food; I will be your verse of your Psalm, the golden sunshine in your eyes, your tangible wedding garment; your repose and rest; I will be your intimate sweet embrace and the perfumed waft of your soul; now that I have you near Me you can draw back the veil from My Face to contemplate My Divinity; the more you see of Me, all the more your love will increase; your heart close to bursting point will desire to love Me even more; your love for Me will become passion; the passion I was offering you in your scholastic days and our betrothals; 1 the infused virtues by the Holy Spirit, conquering your heart to live for Me alone, will keep increasing your love until it produces in you an incurable 1 Message of May 23, 1987; early when Jesus was instructing me. wound... symbolism of our perfect and indissoluble spiritual matrimonial; symbolism of our oneness; symbolism of your blessedness; symbolism of our perfect Divine union; symbolism that you have tasted Life; O fearful mystery! Mystery of Salvation! Flaming Arrow of my heart! to contemplate the Divine is to desire and thirst more than ever for the Godhead; like dew from heaven, sparkling its tiny drops like scattered diamonds our soul glitters in Your Luminous Light, Luminous Light, unseen by the eye, intangible and incomprehensible, yet very true in Its essence, who unites creatures to Yourself to share Your own Divinity and make them into gods by participation, I give glory and honour to You; ever since You became flesh, the gates of divinisation were thrust open for us; I live in gladness in spite of my wound; yes, upon unveiling Your Holy Face and looking at You, Your Beauty became my wound and my dilemma; the power of Your Mysteries is unrivalled and words become dead if one tries to describe Them; words and reflections become ashes that are blown away by the slightest breeze... what is to have tasted Life? a life in God and spent with God is to have tasted Life; what divine jewels, my Lord, You are pouring on Your bride,