True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 109 1114 wall will be built across their path, but My angels, the guardians of My Threshold, will open a path for them, spreading sapphires1 on it, to lead them to Me...’ and you, you who cry out to Me: “gravediggers are gathering for me, Lord, save me! I want to renounce to sin and be with you now in the wedding feast!” do not despair, you too will be saved since you are willing to be saved; and the gravediggers will be chased away by My angels; then My angels will lift you sublimely on a dazzling white sheet and holding it by its four corners, will soar the skies carrying you in the heights to treat your wounds2 with heavenly balm, oil of myrrh, spices and lotions; 3 this will be done to cleanse you and purify you before they lead you to Me; this period of cleansing and wiping away is customary preparation for the brideto-be; every bride-to-be has, for a period of time, to be cleansed before My angels deliver you into the Nuptial Chamber to meet your Bridegroom; My angels will accompany you all the way to the Threshold, and while you will be standing outside the Nuptial Chamber, a slight memory of the past will come back to you; the time when you were formerly tainted and contemptuous towards Me; the time when you were unmoved at My Calls yet enflamed for the passions of this world; by now, at this moment a new life awaits you; dressed in full splendour, radiant in your beauty, cleansed and perfumed, you are ready to step in the Nuptial Chamber and meet your King; delighted with joy and trembling, languidly you make your approach to the Nuptial bed; your gaze suddenly falls on My Divinity; upon seeing My Holy Face although still veiled, your soul becomes light; 1Represents: virtues. 2Represents: guilt and sin. 3Figurative for purification. “O all desirable King, how blessed I am to have been favoured by Your Majesty and be called to wed Sovereignty!” your voice will hymn to Me; “blessed indeed are those whom You call and wed You, finding Heaven in Your fiery embrace; blessed are those who caress Your Holy Face and delight near Your Heart;” with these words, the King, the One who surpasses all angelic beauties, in His immortal splendour suddenly sees Himself in you, a formidable sight; afire with Divine Love, He reaches out to Hisbride-to-be, inviting her in His embrace and says: “I offer you, My beloved one, as a pledge to our mystical union, the Unction of the Holy Spirit;” leaning then towards you, drawing you near His Heart, He will place This4 Divine Royal Diadem on your head with an ineffable kiss of His Mouth... and He shrouded me in the radiance of immortality... now you will become part of Me and one with Me adorning each one of your members with Divinity and Light, incorruption and blessedness to be befitting for Me, your God and King; all of a sudden the world of the past will seem to fade away gently from you with all its contents, forever; and in a single moment, impassibility, the angelic virtue, will blossom in your heart, likewise a spiritual sensuousness of what it would be like to be near the Beatific 4The Unction.