True Life in God Messages

Notebook 109 True Life in God 1113 virtue and religion is Our sweet converse with you; I address My Odes with no sword by My side, but with honey under My tongue; My wondrous appearance in your obscure generation, is like a Sun that never sets; My Light is perpetually contemplated by My celestial Court with awe but with enthusiasm at the same time; - blessed are those who purify themselves and allow themselves to be enfolded in My embrace, they will become light themselves; - blessed are they who through My Light acquire Wisdom, they will receive the grace of Knowledge; - blessed are they who become the flame of the Flame and enter into the inaccessible Fire becoming one with It yet without being consumed; what burning desires will enkindle these souls, wishing to put ablaze all the earth with My Instructions and My Law of Love! - blessed are those who, in spite of their so impoverished soul, have ears now to hear Me, for these too will obtain a celestial light in their intellect to follow My observances; yes, blessed are those who hear My Word and act on it, the ineffable Light will englobe them entirely, transforming them into gods by participation; how else will you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? you would need to be vested properly and recognised by the Father; the Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to the royal banquet that one king gave for his son’s wedding, as in the parable I had given you, 1 I am the same One who spoke then, who speaks now; 1Mt. 22:1-14. the wedding was ready, but those who were heartily invited were not interested to go; in fact many of them sneered at the king’s invitation; this is a common temptation among those who believe they work for My Interests and are called, but have no time to respond to My Call; in reality their mind is far away from Me; they are absorbed in their petty things, or in their personal affairs; phlegmatic to move or lose their comfort they bring up all sorts of excuses; at least there remains the wretched and the poor in spirit and those who never knew Me or heard of Me; it is from these I will receive praise and honour for they are the chosen ones who did not reject My Call like the first guests, or the man who half-heartedly walked in without bothering to be dressed properly; the king had given orders to his servants to go to the crossroads in town and invite everyone, good and bad... these are the people that were not Mine2 and of whom I shall now say: “you are My people;” instead of being told, “you are no people of Mine, but rejects of every kind of society,” I will name them sons and daughters of the living God, heirs to My Kingdom... look, your King comes to you now in your dark days with a train of His angels to invite you to His wedding feast; many are called but few are chosen... anyone without a wedding garment, who never bothered to wear one for lack of enthusiasm and respect shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; 3 I tell you truly, unless you wear Me as your wedding garment the Father will not recognise Me in you.... 4 ‘I will bring many home from foreign countries; no 2Not the first invited guests. 3 Our Lord also made me understand that the one who walked in not properly dressed was so that he bad-mouths the Host, and tries to influence the others to join him... 4 At this moment Jesus spoke as though He was speaking alone, so I took this as an oracle.