True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 108 1112 in My boundless compassion, I said in the Courts of Heaven: “I do not wish to watch endlessly and forever the sinners’ death, grieving, but rather that he returns to Me and lives;” from above I saw a massive graveyard and the stench of the putrefying bodies was spreading in the entire cosmos... the world, decaying, is covered by darkness, swallowed by obscurity, so am I to see continuously My sons and heirs enslaved and dying? for how long am I to see My own household torn asunder and riven? it is time, yes indeed, to separate the darnel from the wheat; I made an oath then and said: “I will give them, through the power of My Holy Spirit, the Grace for their hidden self to grow strong to anyone who responds to My graceful Call, so that they may live in Me, and I may live in them through faith; then planted in love and built on love they will be raised to obtain the utter fullness of Myself;” thus, I have responded to your statement, Vassula; I said in My infinite Mercy: “I will shed light in this irrational creation to enlighten their minds and renew them by a spiritual revolution; I, Myself, will lead them into this renewal of self and mind, leading each one in the goodness and holiness of the truth; My desire to save everyone burns in My Heart; I will not turn My Face away but teach each one and re-educate them; “yes indeed, the Lord of heaven and earth will enkindle this earth with His Love; I will go and visit My prodigal sons and call them back to Me reminding them of this ocean of Goodness, reminding them to put their trust in Me; with great tenderness I will teach them to practise good and never yield to evil; then with sweetness I will re-educate them, respelling My Word to them with their vocabulary, 1 to reach them more surely; “in other words Divine Wisdom will adapt Herself to their needs to make Myself understood in their so impoverished soul, giving them the Knowledge of salvation, through the forgiveness of their sins; and as the rising Sun I will brighten their hearts; I will sow them in My Heart in which they will blossom and will declare with joy: ‘how great are Your signs, Master; how multiple and mighty Your wonders! You, the Almighty and wondrous God, who shone Your Face on me and favoured me, adorning my entire soul with Yourself; may Your Name be praised and adored;’ and I, in My delight, will respond: ‘henceforth, My beloved, I will reside in you and you will reside in Me, your God;’ “the angels then will sing in one voice: ‘God’s Domain2 is immeasurably wide; it is He who is our God; no other can compare with Him; He leads His heirs like gods into His Domain; like royal princes carried back in glory He leads them with great jubilation in His Kingdom; You are, Illustrious One, unrivalled; let the whole earth revere Him and fear Him, for He is our God and King!’ “yes, these noble Odes will be sung to this generation and to others that follow it; My Heart, while singing Them is stirred with emotion, for I am sick with love for you....” 3myrrh-of-My-Heart, write down My Words while looking at Me... I tell you, just as My Father said: when I speak, I do not use any rigid formulations, this is not Our way of speaking, nor do We make saints and martyrs in this way but 1 I simultaneously also heard: ‘terms’. 2 It should be understood as ‘Heart’. 3The Lord here paused, then called me.