True Life in God Messages

Notebook 108 True Life in God 1111 contents; the thorns are the worries of the world and the lure of riches that can perforate the heart and dry it up from the Life giving Spring; Lord, You have been the Gate for Your revelation to me and in doing so, You have hid me well within You; because of Your great Love, You became flesh and dwelt among us; tell me, Lord, how can one not lose You? how can anyone contain You forever in their heart without losing You in this tempestuous world filled with toxins and temptations? for it seems that for he who does not cherish You from the very beginning as one should, nor exalt Your Holy Name as we ought to, nor fear You, nor reach equality of love as You love us, the risk is great; many of us will be losers from day one... Yes, Lord, is that not the truth? So tell me, Lord, what is the secret of not becoming perforated, and, is there any remedy to the damage if once done? for men this is impossible; for God everything is possible; 1 then too, everyone is given the gift of free will; the man who fears Me will be willing to accept correction and will not lose Me; those who seek Me will be nourished by Me and will remain full; Love is the Spirit of God, through which you obtain My Light, illuminating your heart; anyone who truly and sincerely struggles to participate in My Grace, can remain dispassionate of this world and will not lose the sublime substance in their heart; but if one stops and converses with Temptation, listening to 1Jesus quoted the Scriptures: Mt. 19:26. the worldly riches, this one will remain in the world and will be trampled by the dust of sin; I had said that My Father and I and the Holy Spirit will come and dwell with the soul that loves Me and keeps My Commandments; My Presence is fully in these hearts and through the Light We shed in them, these souls come to the Divine Knowledge of Myself; this great Knowledge filled with love lead their feet into the Nuptial Chamber where I, their Bridegroom, wait for them to enjoy untroubled peace... every soul can attain the heights of My Love; every soul is called to a Divine union with Me; why am I conversing with you in your times? why am I fragrancing with My Divine Odes this generation? why am I addressing you in poetry and religion? why have I gone down to the obscure regions to be among you? why am I shedding the radiance of My inaccessible light on you all? why am I visiting the graveyards and opening the tombs in search of the dead? why am I calling you to a Divine union and to a spiritual marriage? I will tell you why: even if you are “damaged” as you said, Vassula, there is hope left for reparation; this is what it is all about; I come to save the sinner; and as I said before; for men this is impossible; for God everything is possible; 2 in other words, I am infinitely rich in Grace and it is by Grace you can be saved; I do not desire the death of the sinner; I am the Resurrection and I desire that all of you live in My Light; for this reason I descend on earth through these Odes and by other means too, to resurrect you, you who allowed yourselves to fall from Grace into the tomb and lie now putrefying by the millions, due to sin... 2Mt. 19:26.