True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 108 1108 renewal! O blessed transfiguration! captives today, but free tomorrow... I tell you truly, that you too will join the procession round the altar together with My Angels and Saints if you are open to My Will, allowing in this way to be led into the King’s Royal Chamber with the Angels and Saints in your train; these Guardians of My Kingdom’s Threshold then in one voice will cry out: “gate, raise your arch, rise, you glorious door, let the bride in! the King of Glory, the Ruler of nations who reigns for ever, her Beloved, is waiting for His bride;” having then passed the King’s Threshold, you will find yourself standing in the presence of the King of Glory, the Fortress of your life, the most handsome; Loyalty and Nobility are His insignia; your Bridegroom seated on His Royal Throne, with a gold Sceptre glittering in His Hand, dressed in all His robes of Glory covered with gold and sapphires, a formidable sight, will raise His Face at the sound of your step, and afire with majesty will say: “come to Me, and receive Me as I will receive you; I will beautify you in My Embrace, with greatness and splendour; intimate knowledge of Myself and honour of your God will be arrayed on you, adorning your soul and perfecting it; now you are to take part in our spiritual marriage, in this Divine Union in which you will obtain ineffable blessings that surpass any blessedness;” if you will be open to My Will, this is what will happen; generation, I put My Love before your eyes and although My Love is beyond human understanding, come, pause for a while and reflect and know that I am God, but Father as well; I do not speak with rigid formulations, this is not the way I make Saints and Martyrs; My sweet converse to you is virtue and religion; I address My Odes with no sword by My side; My Divine Mysteries are loveable and are revealed to you with oil of gladness; although I have seen your wretchedness and known the miseries of your soul, I have not turned My Face from you, but rather, with Love I remember you; goodness and kindness are the paths I choose for you for My paths are Love and Truth; for the sake of My Holy Name, I revived your soul, daughter, and pardoned your guilt; I have put by your side, Virtue and Integrity to be your joyful Companions; to enjoy Me, beloved, and walk in My Presence with Me in the land of the living, I offered you to acquire Wisdom and willingly arrayed your body with My transcendent Light; it is written: “happy the man You choose, whom You invite to live in Your Courts;” 1 indeed, for the one who is invited is no longer alone; those who were alone are now in Me and blessed; they have renounced the world, their friends and their relatives, detaching themselves for My Glory; (it gives Me more glory and I receive more honour when the detachment comes from people who are living out in the world with so much temptation encircling them, but by their own free will turn their back to all those evils and willingly offer their will to Me); 2 – I secure in My Divine Light all those who are in Me; – come and listen to My Odes all you who fear Me; have you ever heard anytime that I have forgotten to show Mercy, or that My anger had overcome My Tenderness? all I do is done in faithfulness and justice; 1Ps. 65:4. 2 This part in brackets was said to me as one who wishes to confide something to his friend, like if someone says: “by the way...”