True Life in God Messages

Notebook 108 True Life in God 1107 while covering the citizens with balsam and myrrh; you will supply them from the reserves of heaven;” creation, I have created you to fill your heart with My sweetness and My Divine Love; I have anointed your heart by breathing in you and made it in such a way that it should be able to contain and maintain the sublime Love and Sweetness of Myself; for My Love is better than life itself; I never deprive any heart of that joy of Myself, for having Me contained in your heart without any resistance from your part, the spiritual consolations become so embedded in you that your heart will only profit all the more of My sweetness, of My Love and of My Deity, leading you thus with strings of love into the filial path to rule with Me, your King; ruling with Me will put on the beauty of My Glory on you, while the angels and the whole celestial Court will wrap the cloak of My Integrity around you lifting you like a censer filled with incense to fragrance the earth; but if I find a tepid heart, whatever Love and sweetness it contained at its birth, this heart will never be able to profit of My Presence; it would be as a cracked cistern that continuously seeps its content out, never holding them, and no matter how much one fills it, it will always run dry and will remain empty... such a heart is finally deprived of that joy known to My saints, for lack of faith and giving preferences on earthly indulgences and luxurious substances other than My spiritual wealth, these hearts after having been filled with My Presence, gradually lose Me, just like the liquid that would seep out of the cracks in the cistern; and Satan, seeing no resistance, envelops them then with his darkness; therefore, you who have never tasted yet My sweetness but laid eternally in bitter gall, rise now and come forward for there is but one glory, one delight, one ineffable moment of joy that can become eternal, one ravishment of the soul, and that is: to see Me and taste Me your God; yes, Vassula, your soul swooned the other day when I graciously appeared to you and while you were contemplating Me, the ground seemed to sway under your feet when My Glance fell on you, you were mesmerised; My appearance gave you a new mind and a new life; My sweet conversation with you, wedded you; My fragrance on you anointed you to join the procession of My Angels and Saints round My Presence and sing with them a hymn of thanksgiving, proclaiming all My wonders and My prodigies, loving My heavenly Courts, the place where My Glory makes its home; He who once said: “let there be light in you,” My friend, the One who fills all things without being contained by their limits, invites you to refute all that is evil; today, your King, your Creator and your Bridegroom is offering you a great banquet; with largesse and prodigality I have by royal command given authority to all My Angels to go from North to South and from East to West and gather you all, announcing that the Triune God, in an ineffable way intends to transfigure His creation; these Angels are the Guardians of My Kingdom’s Threshold; these will be the days in which your soul has to be prepared and arrayed for the Bridegroom; I display My Riches and splendour of My Kingdom and the Glory of My Majesty that belong to you to enjoy them; I descend on earth, as I said, as a Bridegroom in these days of darkness and gloom, of affliction and distress, oppression and great disturbances where demons are let loose to go in all directions and deceive not only the wretched and the impure of heart but also the elite; O blessed