True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 108 1106 come forward and I will shine on each one of your members;” ah, blessed is the one who embraces Me, for he will be like fire and incense in the censer, like a vessel of beaten gold encrusted with every kind of precious stone at the brilliance of My Majesty; this is the very moment I prepared for all of you from the beginning of your creation: the Nuptial Chamber where I lead every soul to take part in My Mystical Marriage... this glorious manifestation from heaven is revealed to you to hallow you and make a saint out of you upon seeing the grandeur of your Triune God; may your soul rejoice in the mercy of the Lord; and now I tell My bride: “beloved, do not fear, you will not die even though the rays of My Gaze upon you wounded you feeling faint, for I, who am Life, am holding you fast now, and will not let you go; see? winter is passed, the rains are over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the season of bridal ceremonies has come; did you not know that you are of royal descent and that your King has been waiting for you? “enamoured of My bride, I look at the gift of My Hands; I look at Myself within you and what I see delights Me; I look once more on that which is now My Property, My Vineyard, My Garden; I look at My own seed, the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh, and although I look at the wound My great Love inflicted on you that made you ascend into the highest heaven, I rejoice at the flower? 1 the permanent mark My Love left on you... this wound is the mark of the promised land, of the discovery of the pearl, this is the sign of 1Flower stands for wound in this text. My exuberant Love, the sign of your resurrection, the sign of the empty tomb; “what your eyes now are witnessing in front of you, is Virtue on His Throne; beloved and fragrant oil of My Heart, My enamourous friendship will sweeten and comfort your soul; wedded at last! come now in My Embrace and contemplate My Light, My Heart, My Wealth, My Mercy, enriching and brightening your soul, becoming greater than all the kings and their kingdoms; your sole ambition from now on should be to plead for others in My Presence, making entreaties for their sins; being united with Me, you will be filled with the spirit of understanding and will shower forth on this generation words of wisdom; “then, reposing still in My Embrace, at dawn, you will resort with all your heart to the One who created you; you will give thanks to the One who perfumed you with myrrh; near Me and in My Embrace you will grow upright in purpose and learning; you will ponder in all My hidden mysteries and upon the angelic Virtue of dispassion; then, now and then I will send you out to the world to display the instructions you have received; modelled now in My Heart you will obtain a new mind; My Will will be known to you and you would know what is good, for I will be your guide; I and you will be partners; so enter into partnership with Me to go together, to the regions underground, to those who go down to the pit, and deliver them, so that they in their turn get to know Me, their God; see? “I will teach My dove to soar the skies perfuming the nations, and still dripping with balsam and myrrh, from My Embrace, your lips will be singing to your own citizens regardless of colour or race, the Odes of the Divine; your lips moist with grace will sing to the tune of integrity and religion, and according to the Divine Law of Love and Redemption,