True Life in God Messages

Notebook 108 True Life in God 1105 and I would add, My thirst, is to save you and lift you to ascend in heaven where you belong; come to Me, My own, in the Golden Chamber of My Bosom and I will grant your soul the sight of My Holy Face; beloved, to have heard Me is to be reborn; to have seen Me is to be; what better offer than someone offering you eternal bliss in a life spent with Me? and for all eternity? in the Abyss of My Mercy I can wash you from every stain and purify you from all your sins, in order to obtain My heritage. .. in order to be becomingly adorned and fragranced and worthy to enter in the Nuptial Chamber of the Divine and espouse Him I must transform you to be like the morning star, like the moon at the full, like the rainbow gleaming against brilliant clouds; when My Holy Spirit will put on you the splendid Garment, you will be like a bunch of myrrh, like roses in springtime; when you will be clothed with Christ Himself, your wedding gown, you will be dressed in glorious perfection, ready to go up to the holy altar1 to meet your Bridegroom, where Divine Grace will lead you to be... I will grant you then, My own, the sight of My Divine Face; although you will still be on earth, you will be in Me, and having been giving a vision of Myself, your heart will rise in heaven in the Divine Light, on the wings of Divine Love and Religion, realising that the One who stands before you, in His ineffable glorious Beauty, is none other than your Creator and Bridegroom; and you, in wonder and in your ravishment, will cry out to Me: “what Sovereignty! what awesome Majesty is this that my heart experiences? Mystery of all creation, O 1 Could be understood as the nuptial chamber as well. Rider of the skies, Figure of Wonder, wholly beautiful, the very moon lacks brightness in Your Glory, my Lord; and the stars seem unclean in front of Your resplendent stature; unrivalled and unparalleled, covered with sapphires, Your Glory is beyond compare; sweet is the melody of Your Voice; under Your Tongue, honey and milk; deep in Your Eyes, two dazzling rays of light; but how am I considered deemed to enter in Your Royal Chamber, O Sovereignty? how am I deemed to be so privileged to be so blessed as to be soon united and one with the Almighty God? my soul now is sated with delight; here You are, on Your golden canopy covering Your Royal Throne, inviting me, the unworthy one, calling me to Yourself in Your lordly style, and I, trembling and faint, totally defeated and wounded by Your Divine Gaze on me, am losing all my memory of the world, in front of this wondrous sight that You, in Your exuberant Love are giving me; in Your graciousness You laid out for me an ardent path leading my feet to You; with the most fervent desire now, to be joined to my Beloved, passionately I will fly like a dove in Your Embrace and melt, fading away in Your radiant Light and becoming light myself;” then your King, overflowing with Love, will lean forward towards His bride and will hold gently her head, reposing it on His Bosom, saying in a melodious Voice these words to you: “Now I am holding you fast;” while a ray of radiant light would stream out of My Mouth and cover you... “I am giving Myself to you to possess Me and discover Me within your heart, My own; discover Me in My transcendent Light and you will shine on every one of your members like Moses’ face shone upon seeing Me face to face;