True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 107 1094 His Name; I praise My God who has restored my reckless soul to favour, allowing my eyes to see Your Face; and like Job, I will say in song: ‘I sinned and had left the path of right, but God has not punished me as my sin deserved; He has spared my soul from going down into the pit, and is allowing my life to continue in the Light;’ see brothers? see? all this, God is doing through the ages for mankind, rescuing souls from the pit, and letting the Light of life shine bright on us;” I will grant you the sight of your God who speaks to you today; a vision you will never forget; seized by remorse1 in this delightful contemplation your spirit on fire will cry out to Me: “You know, my Lord, inwardly I am shattered now, but at the same time, Lord, I am on fire; I looked at You and I am ablaze with divine Love that consumes me little by little; Resplendent Sun, You drew me, the ugly sinner, near You without thinking twice that I might be cheapening Your Sceptre; You allowed my sinful eyes to contemplate Your Majesty, Your Beauty, which surpasses the fairest of Your Angels, and upon seeing this Wonder, You wounded me beyond words; unable to satisfy My thirst, I weep, and my dilemma makes me wretched; Your glorious Presence affected me to yearn even more to learn how to love you and be intertwined for ever with You; my pain has augmented and I beg Your Angels to relieve me, but on second thoughts let Them not, let this fire keep wounding me, let my thirst for You, O Lover of mankind enkindle my whole being, let Your divine visitation increase my thirst for You to desire You even more; “Your Sovereignty has no equal, none! You looked at me and our eyes met; Your 1 The pain of being unable to be fully in the Beatific Vision, and in Heaven. Eyes brighter than two gems magnetised mine; from Your Eyes then, two rays of light appeared and brightened my soul illuminating it as though a thousand constellations were hurled into me, and every darkness or gloomy shadow in my soul faded away; confused for having suddenly received the Light of Your Grace, Your glory was unbearable in front of flesh and blood; You winked then at me, and I swooned; it was as though the floor under my feet swayed; the expressions of Your Love for me are driving me faint in my heart, for they are, my Lord, too overwhelming to my poor soul to bear; can anyone measure the magnificence of Your Greatness and Your inexpressible grandeur? who has seen Yahweh and has not swooned with passion? I remain powerless in front of such ecstatic Beauty ...” tell Me then, creature, in whom I love and delight, what is it like to discover Me within you? what is it like to fall in the Hands of the Almighty God? what is it like? tell Me, beloved one of My Heart, what is it like to hear your Creator sing to you and for you alone, Odes and Ballads while in your contemplation to Me? what is it like to know that He who chants to you and who lives in an inaccessible Light holding everything in His Hand, is contained in your heart, and yet without being contained? what is it like to be washed in My lustral waters, plunging you in Me? be of good cheer, then, and live a pious life; My splendour has no equal, to converse with Me will leave on you unforgettable memories; to contemplate Me satisfies your thirst but never quenches it, rather it augments it; it is only in the Beatific Vision that your soul can be quenched and satisfied in the fullness of My Presence; without My Merciful assistance, creature, your soul would have withered before even being born; without My help your life would be