True Life in God Messages

Notebook 107 True Life in God 1093 - I offer you to carry you on My shoulders during your convalescence; - I offer you peace and rest, for you will not labour nor weary with Me; - I offer you My Angels who will dress your wounds with ineffable tenderness, wounds inflicted on your soul from the passions of this world; They will assist you in your rehabilitation, bringing you back to life, regenerating your disabled soul in a new life in Me; - I offer you a place in My Heart, where you will blossom with an abyss of learnings from Wisdom; I will lavish you with inestimable gifts as a bridegroom who lavishes his bride who captured his heart; and I will express My Love to you, My bride, while folding you in My Arms, singing to you the Odes of My creation and of how you came to be; I will unfold to you the mysteries before earth came into being, before nature came to birth, and while courting your soul, you will declare to Wisdom, “my Sister!” yes, I will free you like a bird from the snare, break you free like a gazelle from a trap, were you willing to turn to Me acknowledging Me in your repentance; - I offer you ballads by Me and the secluded grace of being in My Presence, just you and Me; - I offer your soul to be ever at play with Me, and I, as a Father who watches with delight his son’s development and his growth, I will watch, like an eagle, over My Kingdom being formed in you; - I offer you what you call inaccessible and unattainable, and that I alone can offer, something that is suspended far and beyond human reach, a path not trodden by the proud of heart, a path where no philosopher ever walked; no gold, no crystal can ever match what I offer in value; it cannot be bought either with any amount of solid gold, not paid for with any weight of silver, nor be priced by the standard of the purest gold, or of precious onyx or sapphire, for Holy Wisdom cannot be assessed, I alone possess Her and offer Her to anyone I wish; unseen by the eye of mankind, yet glorious in Her brilliancy, I will offer Holy Wisdom to you were you to cower before sin and flee from evil, repenting and reflecting on what was false; and if you will ask: “tell me, Father, tell me, where does Holy Wisdom come from? where is understanding to be found since it is outside the knowledge of every living thing, hidden from all creation?” I will answer you My child: “Wisdom? it is fear of the Lord; understanding? - avoidance of evil;” to all people I offer Wisdom, they make an end of darkness since Wisdom delights to bring to daylight secrets that were hidden while they would be contemplating the invisible beauties that are now visible in the glorious Light of Wisdom; find, therefore, joy in Me, for My principles are noble and pure, and I govern with meekness and tenderness; with grace I enfold those who repent; I repugn all malice and corruption, but My Spirit frees all who admit their sin bringing the malicious evil spirits to an end; I am not an earthly ruler, I am a Ruler of Justice, with noble decrees and virtuous rules loaded with splendour and majesty, yet gentle and humble of Heart; to rejoice your heart and gladden it I offer to restore your sight so that you satisfy your eyes and see Me, your God, while in awe you would be crying out to Me; “praised be the Triune God, thrice Holy! glory to the One who has lifted my soul doing great things for me! Holy is