True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 106 1092 anyone who has opened his heart to Me, voluntarily allowing Me to invade him, has harvested the crop of life; Scriptures then become for him an unsealed and divine Ode, a living Word, a vision of God, a divine garment for your soul; his illumination thus from My Presence within him, establishes My Kingdom in his heart; any mystery that seemed concealed, will be revealed and the Scriptures will become as a loud and audible canticle to your ears; it is I, your Bridegroom, 1 stepping out from His Imperial Courts to turn your hearts towards Me for My own loving purpose; be aware that your generation is constantly offending Me and is instructed by the evil one to obey everything that contradicts My Law of Love but coming from the Divine Truth; this so evil generation winnows in every wind and walks along every byway set by Satan; now, My Son and I have been giving ample opportunities for you all to return to Us through repentance, for We are compassionate and merciful, but, ah ... so many of you have been misled by your own presumption ... it is written: 2 “a stubborn heart will come to a bad end at last, and whoever loves danger will perish in it;” the world today offers you much destruction, so it is better for you to lean on Me who am your Shield and say: “let us fall into the Hands of the Lord, not into the hands of men; for as His Majesty is, so too is His Mercy;” 3 ah, evil inclination, despite all these Odes and warnings, the people of the earth do not repent, nor do they give up their sins, very few follow My Law of Love and do what pleases Me; I am ceaselessly stooping from My Celestial Courts to you, generation, to pull you out of your mire; I have been sending you 1 Is. 54:5. 2Si. 3:26. 3Si. 2:18. My envoys perfumed with blended incense and prepared by angels to carry on their wings My divine Odes; those who tasted My Words took the right course; how splendid they were after tasting My Words that were as sweet as honey to their mouths! I have prepared and paraded all through these years a prodigious banquet of spiritual food; religion and virtue was My Theme of Love to you; in the cause of Truth I have lifted you up, generation, with My Sceptre; has your heart ever been stirred at all? sweet is the melody of this noble Ode, but have you not heard it? have you not heard Me addressing you individually My Love Theme with oil of gladness? have you not understood how I was anointing you all these years? pause a while and give it a thought and understand that I am God in Majesty and Splendour; woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection in My Day; and woe to you who have lost the will to endure in virtue and righteousness, what will you do at the Lord’s visitation? what will you have to say in the Lord’s Day? will you be able to endure the ordeal of Fire? you are chained now in body and soul to this world; Satan in his fury does not release you but holds you prisoner in his dungeons to deprive you, you who have fallen, from grace to repent; shrouded by his veil you became his toy; your repentance will break your chains and will thrust away hordes of evil spirits who nest in you, while some loom over your so pitiable soul; in your misery you lack the will and the strength to overcome your enemy and throw off the shackles of flesh that bond you to this world; today, in these times of Mercy, I offer you grace as a gift and as a rewarding path leading to Me;