True Life in God Messages

Notebook 106 True Life in God 1091 been given to you; indeed no one can penetrate and understand this mystery, the mystery of your God speaking, and well-alive and among you in your days, on having only read the Holy Scriptures; to penetrate in the depths of My Word you need more than that; spiritual knowledge is obtained by the Holy Spirit who enlightens Scriptures to you; have you heard of anybody reading at night when the lights are turned off? only when the lights are turned on will he be able to see the words and read; without light you will see nothing, without the Holy Spirit who transcends thought, and who is far beyond all the constellations of light put together, the utterances and the expressions of Wisdom in My Word will remain hidden from you; the Holy Spirit alone gives the necessary light in your mind to understand the heavenly utterances; otherwise My Words will remain sealed and closed; this is the reason why so many do not recognise Me in this Ode of Love; Scriptures, as I have said, reflect My Divine Image, and if today you do not see Me in My Odes to you, given to you by loving Mercy, it is because you have not yet experienced My tenderness, nor have you ever savoured My sweetness; your so-called knowledge prevents you from seeing Me; blessed is he who opened his heart to Me, accepting Me in simplicity of heart, he will not see My Odes as mere words, but as power and as the Holy Spirit and as utter conviction; and I would add, that My Odes chanted to you are a living power among you who believe them; I desire from all of you, creation, to see Me, this is why I unceasingly reveal My Love to you since the first day you came into being; will I one day hear from you: “praised be God, for showing His boundless Mercy to us and for allowing us to taste His Goodness; without Him revealing to us His Holy Face in our hearts, we would have been one of those who believe they can discover you through secular wisdom and their studies alone; Your treasure, Lord, is hidden from the scholars with their erudite learnings, and who claim knowledge of Your mysteries and of spiritual matters, when in reality they do not know You;” I have been teaching you to hold your thoughts on heavenly things only to prosper, showing you your new self; I have, with delight, been preaching to the whole world without differentiating anyone; My intention as a Father, is to embellish My creation and renew it, turning your lives into an unceasing prayer; why then all this clamour around My Name? why do you allow yourselves to lose your serenity and be dictated by the world? your divine reality should be the Triune God and your life should revolve around heavenly inspirations and well hidden within My Son, Jesus Christ; can anyone by himself discover My fathomless Treasures? unless he is given an inner light of understanding he shall remain in darkness; I repeat: blessed are those who believe in My Merciful Call, they shall gain My friendship and My intimacy; who is the Source of Christian knowledge, the Source of prophecy? it is the Holy Spirit who teaches and uses all means to transfigure and renew My creation; and those who have fallen asleep and deny prophecy in your time, ask them if they have understood Scriptures and their sayings; I have anointed prophets to declare My Words till the end of Time; I endowed them with the spirit of Elijah; but then have you not read that “prophets will succeed him?” 1 1Si. 48:8.