True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 106 1090 My Voice; to pull you out of your debt and out of the mire of sin I have chanted to you the song of Heaven; 1 I have shown to you the secrets of the Nuptial Chamber of My Heart, to exempt you from all evil I am continually in your presence; and if your eyes do not see your Bridegroom, it is because they are sealed with crusts of sin ... as I have said to you, put behind you all your violent thoughts and do not give Satan a foothold clinging to your grudge against anyone, for the Father in Heaven will deal with you severely; do not be like the wicked servant2who pitilessly threw his fellow servant in prison for the debt he owed him; do not remain lifeless, but think of My indescribable Mercy I have upon you, generation; so put into practice all that I have said and receive the Holy Spirit of Grace; be one; September 13, 2002 To know God and understand Him only on the basis of Scriptures is not enough; one has to penetrate into God to be able to understand and know God. This is what we call “to taste God.” yes, I have to take form in your inmost heart as much as you have to transform in My depths; child, I am Yahweh, and I delight to visit you in your poverty; We have given you freedom extirpating you from the valley of darkness to live in Our brilliant Light; 1Our Lord means His Messages. 2Mt. 18:23-35. now realise you are at the service of your King; do you realise that I have vested you with My glory, saturated you with My radiance, so that you have free access in My Imperial Courts? be confident when you converse with Me and happily accept My favour! blessed are those who have a heart of a child and do not doubt in any of these Messages that come from Wisdom, nor will ever have; these have opened to grace and obtained My Light within them; the One who reveals Himself to mankind in such an ineffable manner is none less than your Creator who through His Words has brought many back to a true life with Me; I am the One who exhorted you to lift your eyes to heaven and sin no more; I have been repeatedly giving you a full knowledge of Myself so that in knowing Me you inherit as well My Kingdom; I have never spoken harshly to you but I have treated you leniently, a lenity not of this world; My Words are consonant with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures; blessed are those who accepted this reality without testing Me and have not treated My envoy recklessly, they will have a prophet’s reward; you have surely heard before that My envoys speak in My Name and those who do not believe them, treating them as impostors, or even accuse their mission, sin against Me who speaks through them; as I have emphasised before, I have said nothing that contradicts the Holy Scriptures, but all My Words I uttered are consonant to what I have given you already, yet it seems that many have not penetrated fully in the knowledge of My Word; 3 had they, they would have recognised My Odes of today; they would have seen My Image in My Odes that do not differ from My Word that has 3The Scriptures.