True Life in God Messages

Notebook 106 True Life in God 1089 not concerned nor searched for any goodness or righteousness you might have done yourselves; My compassion on you was so great that it compelled My Mercy to be gracious to you to save you, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing you with the Holy Spirit; I have set a treasure1 in front of you, generation, but your soul keeps failing to see it; you keep passing by it most of the time, seeing nothing; and ah, how many times have I not stretched out My Hand to you to take you to Me and discover Me; am I concealing My treasure from you? I am the Treasure itself; has no one ever told you that I am your Heavenly Bridegroom? I am the effulgent cleansing waters of the Life-giving spring whose waters purify, renew and breathe in you Life; I am the Resurrection; so do not waver any longer but open your eyes and run towards Me; cease being out-distant; has anybody taught you that the supreme act of love is the acceptance of My Cross? My Cross, which is your redemptive Instrument, is in other words the Tree that gives life; through your redemptive Instrument your feet cross from the valley of death into the Beatific Vision; I am the Resurrection and through Me I have made you all to be sons and daughters of the resurrection; if you remain in sin, and unforgiving to your neighbour, inflexible in your heart filled with rancour, the Godhead will be denied to your eyes; the all-Holy Spirit will not show Himself to you if in debt to sin, for you would have been rejecting consciously the act of compunction, an act of love ... if you remain in this sin it is the same as though you tell Me: “Master, I prefer to remain in my tomb; I chose to remain 1Stands for rich instructions. dead and live among the dead;” your flesh is already putrefying, you are decaying, and you still refuse Life? to deny your sin is similar as to deny Life; come instead by My side and by the side of the saints and of those on earth who are nearing perfection, who are serene while in their contemplation to Me, whom I saturate in ineffable riches and celestial mysteries; Holy Consubstantial Trinity, the transgression and the rejection of God in our days have destroyed part of the Church of Christ; how can the Body of Christ be recognisable in us, in our so poor state? Like inanimate matter we are dispersed Lord, torn asunder by our ego and by a spirit of pride; where is in us the distinctive sign of faith which is love? Tendencies of opposition are always there, even rancours of the past are still well alive, 2 an unforgiving spirit abides in many; ah, all-blessed act of forgiveness, act of charity, blessed are those who have welcomed you! you will not be tainted anymore but will receive the Kiss on your forehead from your Redeemer; blessed is he who renounces his sin, he will see Me, the Treasure, and will enter in the path of holiness; blessed is he who eagerly and passionately embraces My Cross, he will enter into the Beatific vision, and his soul will know ineffable joys! today, generation, I am overwhelming you with prodigies and with the sound of 2Here my mind drew me to some past incidents of how some Orthodox clergy still have rancours with the Catholic brothers after the schism, to say the least ...