True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 106 1088 Scriptures say: “our watchmen are blind, they notice nothing ... they all go their own way, each after his own interest ...” My Church will always increase through the Holy Spirit and will never decrease; She will always be renewed despite of all the venomous arrows that will be aimed on Her; those same venomous arrows are also used to aim on those I am sending you; the whole world is decaying in its evil and its apostasy, transgressing not only My Law but all that is Holy; why then is anyone surprised when the grace of the Holy Spirit increases? alas! what condemnation will be given to those whose evil hearts harassed My chosen souls! they will not inherit My Kingdom unless I hear from their lips a word of repentance ... Vassula, together with Me you will work in silence1 to enlighten dark valleys; everything that the Holy Spirit will give you to write will be for this and other generations’ instruction and whosoever opposes you in the mission I have given you, will be opposing the work of My Spirit; announce everything I say that leads everyone who hears My Word into a new being, and do not pay attention2 to those who say: “if you are sent by God and if those words you say come from God, prove your humility by hiding yourself and all those sayings; stop parading yourself and the sayings around the world;” to these people answer the following: “I am not going to be like the wicked servant who hid his talent and then was condemned for having done nothing; on the contrary, I will multiply my talent and give glory to the One who entrusted it to me; I will pass on, not only to this generation this prodigious wonder, 3 but 1Meaning in this written form that bears no exterior sound ... 2 In other words ‘do not get upset’. 3The Messages of TLIG. the angels will carry the words of God and will continue spreading them like a rain of seeds thrown from above to all future generations, to renew God’s creation and embellish the Church; to sweeten the mouths of His children and open their mouths to praise Him; to open their eyes and enable them to examine their hearts; I am sealed by our Lord’s Divine Name all over me and I do not fear; I am His loud book declaring the same Truths our Lord has passed on to us; so, nothing is new, I have nothing new that is of my own, brothers, but all that is said to me comes from Divine Knowledge and from the Mouth of the Triune God;” this is what you are to tell them in My Name; contemplate Me in depth, My beloved, and rest on My Heart ... September 8, 2002 write: Scriptures say: “If a man nurses anger against another, can he then demand compassion from the Lord? Showing no pity for a man like himself, can he then plead for his own sins?” 4 remember My Law of Love and remain devout to It; put behind you all rancour and violent thoughts and turn to Me ... Vassula, so many in this generation are in this sin; the sin of anger and rancour; slaves to your passions and champions when it comes to do evil ... 5 no one is righteous, yet, I, Jesus Christ, revealed My kindness and My exuberant Love to mankind and I was 4Si. 28:3-4. 5The Lord was speaking to those who are in grave sin ...