True Life in God Messages

Notebook 106 True Life in God 1087 yes! I will be granting you the grace of Myself within your soul; enamoured, I, your God, am of you; enamoured to the point that, in spite of your weaknesses I can dwell well within you; the more you will be contemplating My Triune Holiness, the more you would be understanding Me; the more you would be knowing Me and all the more I would be reflecting My Image in you; then, from Heaven, from My Angels and Princes of the highest ranks a loud, melodious voice will be heard; together in one voice they will hymn to the Hymn, 1 praises: “God’s mystery is being revealed once more, revealing His Imperishable Light thrice Holy, imprinting His Image on the wellbeloved soul He has chosen, to grant the grace of Himself; oh what benefits lie ahead for this soul! praise and glory for our Lord and God!” Amen ... See what God is offering us? Listen then to His Instructions and do not ignore them ... the poorest will exult in My sayings, and the lowly will be lifted; your salvation lies in conversion and tranquillity; come back to Me; I am only waiting to be gracious to you ... (Later on Jesus speaks:) Vassula, Scriptures say: “peacemakers, when they work for peace, sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness;” 2 I have been teaching you with authority and majesty so as to raise you to be able to express My Words as I wish, My Words bring peace and love and hope in one’s heart; I bring to reconciliation through repentance; 1God. 2Jm. 3:18. anyone who wreaks havoc in anyone’s heart does not come from Me; by this I mean that anyone who declares they have prophecies that prophesy plague and disasters only, these do not come from Me; but anyone who prophesies My warnings, peace and repentance and his word comes true are to be recognised as one truly sent by Me; yes, indeed, anyone who prophesies encouragement, consolation and improves the community, know that he is truly sent by Me; I have been warning you not to take anyone by merely his words or believe just anyone who claims he has words coming from Me, even if he performs miracles and prodigies, such as raising one from the dead; but turn an ear to those who do not elicit discussions that contradict the mysteries of faith, for the grace of the Holy Spirit given to My chosen ones will overwhelm with joy those who will listen to them; their words will lift their soul, bringing them close to My angels and saints; their words which are in reality My Words, will turn you into Cathedrals; My Words not only have authority and power but they burn putting aflame your soul and enlightening your spirit at the same time; above all, the divine realities revealed to you through My chosen souls, will be expressed on the basis of Scriptures and Tradition and nothing else; how will you know I am speaking? you will know by the sound Knowledge you obtain; and you, who were completely dead and lying putrefying in the valley of death, in your awakening you will realise who lifted you by grace; the world you are living in now, My child, is evil, to say the least, increasing by the day in sin, so am I not to be concerned? when in your days I am speaking and the shepherds are not listening and do not believe I am intervening, they are as