True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 106 1086 have been teaching you in My Heavenly Courts with Holy Wisdom and not like those who buttress their teaching by quotation from the Scriptures and Tradition, babbling My divine Words with their lips only ... I have been, in an ineffable way, revealing to you My fathomless Mercy and My exuberant Love that are neglected to be taught and expressed in My assemblies as I wish; for the sake of My Holy Name I withheld My Hand from falling upon this evil generation; for the sake of My honour I keep curbing My anger ... ah Vassula! I have been pouring out like never before in history the power of My Holy Spirit; I set knowledge before you in such a way to reach even the uninstructed; Mercy and wrath alike belong to the Lord it is written and according to My judgment I allow free play to My Mercy; My Holy Spirit repetitively uttered sayings to all of you sweeter than honey even than honey that drips from the comb; I have been perfuming all the cosmos anointing all My creation; I have been allowing everyone who wished to know Me, approach Me and inhale from My Mouth the graces they need to keep their soul tranquil and their heart grafted on Me and My Law ... who could give any soul such tranquillity and freedom, other than My Holy Spirit? who could lift your soul in the Divine other than My benevolence and the ineffable condescension of My Love? I have been teaching you all and reminding you what I have always said: that I am not only Sovereign Master of your soul, but your Friend as well, giving you access in My Courts to walk in and out, expressing yourself and giving Me your opinion, even to be ruling with Me; by grace I have lifted you to be a child by grace as the Word is Son by nature ... can you, who are reading Me, say “I have learned how to possess God, He who fathered me and made Himself known to me without ever losing His transcendence? He who encompasses all beings filling all things with His Luminous Light without being contained by their limits, possesses me as well and has ordered all things within me to be according to His Divine Will?” everything, yes, everything that comes from Me, revolves around Divine Love; as I said before, one has to receive an inestimable grace to pronounce these words; if you are unable to pronounce these words put behind you everything and come to Me now and repent! then allow the Holy Spirit to descend on you and invade you with His Light turning your soul into a Cathedral ... oh then, how He will, with delight, provide you! He will found in you the Foundation I had been teaching you about: the true theology, that is the contemplation to Me your God; enraptured thus in this contemplation your soul will soar in the heights contemplating Me your God in depth; My Reign then begins in you; then, step by step, the Holy Spirit while blowing on you His Breath of transfiguration revealing to your spirit Divine realities through Wisdom Herself; He will be revealing to you all that your philosophers and sages till this day call foolish and nonsense; you will understand and perceive with the Light of the Holy Spirit the sublimity of My Love, the Divine enrichments I can provide your soul with and all that you can benefit from them; I will be sanctifying you while We will be dwelling in you and you in Us; as Scriptures say: “make your home in Me, as I make Mine in you;” you will become part of the True Vine; 1 1Jesus Christ.