True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 106 1084 matter any scourge falling on this generation is no more than the reproofs of Mercy; Lord, it is written that You have only to Will and Your power is there ... it is also written that after sin I will grant repentance; I have, in My great benevolence, placed the salutary remedy of repentance into a renewed heart that will show Me great fervour and truthfulness while repenting; indeed, everyone finds the treasure of intimacy with Me as soon as this humble act is done; in the treasure of intimacy they discover My friendship; the greater the repentant is sincere, the greater My friendship; each word uttered in truthfulness draws My friendship closer, for My friendship ensues in proportion to his repentance; it is written: “when I uttered my cry to Him and high praise was on my tongue, had I been guilty in my heart, the Lord would never have heard me; but God not only heard me, He listened to my prayer ...” 1 everybody who desires salvation will feel the need to repent and I will listen to his repentance; the wage paid by sin is death; sin is similar to a poison inside you and the longer it remains inside you, the sicker you become, drawing you closer to death; the more you do not purge it out of your system all the more you risk to die; you may be freed and healed from the poison of sin if you humble yourself and realise that the only remedy to purge your sins is through repentance; tell Me: who of you would risk his life had he discovered he had swallowed poison and remained inert and done nothing about it? to be cured of this deadly potion you will have to lower 1Ps. 66:17-19. your head and admit you are a sinner, offering Me your repentance, then all the bitterness of the poison will be purged out including the serpent itself which you had been nurturing inside your entrails all through your life, 2 and being set free, I will replace those evils by My sweetness ... yes, once those evils out, you will recover, and once recovered you will not be an alien to My Law; willingly you will turn your back to the world because in front of you, you will see My Glory and My Splendour; the sight of My radiant Presence will be shining within and without you; it is written: “you were dead, through the crimes and the sins in which you used to live when you were following the way of this world, obeying the ruler who governs the air, 3 the spirit who is at work in the rebellious ...” 4 but now after your repentance and through grace shown to you I brought you to life in Me ... I will reveal then in My smiles, the path of life to you; you will not be walking on hot coals anymore but on sapphires; the inexpressible and inaccessible God you once thought, will give you unbounded joy in your heart while expressing His Joy to you: “once you were like a field that grew nothing but brambles and thistles, practically uninhabited and cursed; but now, with Me, you will be like a field of My choice, watered by the springs of the Holy Spirit and you will give the crops that are acceptable to Me;” 5 as I have said before, to acknowledge Me is the perfect virtue; today the world has no place for Me and My place is occupied by dross; rebels and sinners 2 This whole image of ‘poison’ and ‘serpent’ within oneself and the purge through repentance, reminds me of the possessed who at delivery, vomit out nails, sometimes pieces of glass, steel-wire and other things. 3Satan. 4Ep. 2:1-2. 5Heb. 6:7-8.