True Life in God Messages

Notebook 105 True Life in God 1083 herself with Me, becoming one with Me, her God and Creator ... in the soul’s total surrender, I who am the Giver of Light, the Giver of Life, the Giver of Love and the Giver of all Gifts, bring her into all these Divine enrichments while I would be addressing her soul in poetry and religion; ah, Vassula, what then will I not do for that soul! Wisdom will be her daily companion, her crown of joy; it is written: any soul who fears the Lord, this soul “will be received like a virgin bride;” 1 after having abandoned herself, soul and body, to Me, her Creator, and being now part of Me; I then, as a Spouse who delights in his bride, will see to it that she would lack nothing; I will start, in the next level, providing her so impoverished soul, and will at the same time, give her an oath to keep, after having prepared her in a sublime way, and that would be to follow the Spouse unconditionally; accompanying Me wherever I go; then as a Spouse who loves his bride, I will express My Divine Love by adorning My bride with the most exquisite jewels that cannot be found on earth, but that come from the stores of heaven; I will, in My intimate union, adorn her with Myself invigorating her soul, thus, to a mutual faithfulness and understanding between us; suddenly, the whole world would fade away in front of her eyes; she has found her freedom ... she has found her God ... and in this flight into freedom she will declare: “the world now is an exile, I am not in it but neither am I near it; my soul, Lover of mankind, is overcome with an incessant longing for Your rulings; now, Beloved of my soul, I am ready and my heart is set to follow You unconditionally;” 1Si. 15:2. and I will respond: “walk with Me, and I will school you in My rules of righteousness; I will be your Educator and no one else; I will whisper in your ear the history of all invisible things and inaccessible yet becoming visible and accessible through the Divine teachings of your Master; the Word of Life will be offered to you, freely ...” after having been schooled with righteousness I shall lift your soul to the next level; the level in which before your birth you were called, this one in which the Holy Spirit elevates you with His grace to be part of My Salvific Plan, and makes out of you an apostle; I will show you at that level the way I had taken for My Passion; since you would be serving Me, you would serve Me with passion; I would send you to patrol the world and proclaim the Truth; I would ask you to christianise this dechristianised generation and destroy the tower of Babel, bringing all the apostates in there who were worshipping Baal to repent; all of this you will do with My Cross in one hand and the rosary in the other ... and you, daughter, as you are carrying My seed, keep seeding vigorously; do I not know all that you say? let Me confide you this: like torrents of water My Tears swell in My Eyes to see you struggling among dried up and scattered bones; as any father who would see this image of gloom of his offspring and would suffer, I too, as a Father to you, suffer; this image afflicts Me when I watch the child I have raised up in My Kingly Courts to be plagued2 by the dead in the valley of death; your heritage is in the land of the living, but I have created you and instructed you with holy Wisdom to teach mankind all over again My acts of power and the majestic glory of My Sovereignty! to remind them that I act only out of Love and Mercy; in that 2 ‘Plagued’ here stands for harassed.