True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 105 1082 consciousness and soul, of its failures and its deficiency, its corruptibility, and its lawlessness and not to say the least, the infamous rejection of My Resurrection and My Omnipresence in your daily life; heaven will open in My Day, and those who rejected Me, proclaiming themselves as gods will be judged severely; can anyone say that I have not been instructing you all these years? have I not affirmed My might all these years by wonders? have you ever measured the magnificence of My Triune Holiness and the inexpressible grandeur of My Name? have you ever asserted My greatness or proclaimed My fearful splendour and power? I tell you: woe to anyone who finds himself without My Light in My Day ... these I will purge with My Fire; as for those who kept My precepts and My Law based on love, and who are the salt of the earth, they shall not be tested by fire, since I am their God, and have acknowledged Me as the principal of their life; they have already been tested, and are part of Me now and constantly within My Divine Light in union with the Godhead; and as you said, daughter, at Noah’s time the heavens deluged at My coming; and now the earth will be tested and put aflame by fire; My Day is imminent, and woe to the corpses on that Day of My Return; 1 alas too for those who centred their lives on material things, when My Day comes; My appearance will be fire; already My Footsteps are heard and My Footprints seen by many; when I reveal Myself to those who did not acknowledge Me, when in these times of grace I presented Myself as Mercy and as a Lamp, I will reveal Myself then as a consuming Fire; 1This ‘Return’ is not the actual Parousia but the Day of the Lord is to be understood as a minor judgement before the Judgement Day. It is a sort of Purification for a Renewal; it has started but in small phases. why, did anyone believe I will pass by unnoticed? and do you still believe the Master will pass you by without any retribution? it is, therefore, good to repent daily; and you, who are carrying My seed, sing as you sow, daughter, do not look behind you; as I have instructed you, theology is the contemplation to Me, your God, this is your spiritual foundation; on this foundation then are built different levels; one level contains the Knowledge of God; this Knowledge of God is acquired through Wisdom and not from books; without the Light of the Holy Spirit, God will not be knowledgeable to you but will remain hidden; yes, it is not the fruit of the intellectual mind but a divine infusion, given by grace into the soul who has been transfigured to love; in another level you find poverty of the soul; this soul is the carrier of the Word because in its poverty, the soul possesses Me, and My Kingdom is hers; in the nothingness of such a soul, I solely exist; 2 I solely am her Master and all ... then, on that same spiritual foundation, there are other levels; there is a level of which a Divine union between the creature and the Creator takes place; captivated by the Godhead’s Perfect and Divine Beauty, the soul voluntarily succumbs into God’s fiery embrace; at this Divine conquest by the Creator, for a conquest and a triumph it is, I invade the soul entirely and with delight I unveil just barely, so as not to frighten her, My Holy Face to her; the soul, upon seeing, even though in a dim light, My Holy Face, she realises, in her awakening that she does not stand far from the confines of the eternal and the beatific vision; bewildered and trembling to have seen My Glory and aware of the luminous light that suddenly surrounds her, she joins voluntarily and intertwines 2Dwell.