True Life in God Messages

Notebook 105 True Life in God 1081 Christ marches with majesty across this desert, and He makes the earth rock, to announce His imminent return; But the people have not understood; some say: “Christ is coming in flesh and bone”; others argue groundlessly, “God will come and smash the heads of His enemies;” - but they have not understood the Psalms ... Like the phantoms of a midnight dream, they wonder; in the beginning too I had simply failed to understand, even though I was constantly in Your Presence; even when You held my right hand to write; It is written: “The Lord gives His couriers the news ...” and so He does ... When God’s Footsteps approach and are heard, the virtuous rejoice, exulting and singing for joy; they say: “build a road for the Rider of the Clouds, rejoice in Christ, exult at His coming!” At Noah’s time the heavens deluged at Your the coming of God ... but had not seen You in flesh and bone ... And now, the earth will be put aflame with Your Son’s return; at the coming of God ... Christ will descend from the heights; Just as thousands of myriads of divine chariots You, Lord, had left Sinai for Your sanctuary; David said: “God, You have ascended to the height, and captured prisoners, You have taken men as tribute, yes, taken rebels to Your dwelling, Yahweh ...” 1 1Ps. 68:18. but they had not seen You in flesh and bone ... yet You were there ... When You approach the virtuous and they rejoice, they do not see You in flesh and bone ... but You are there; When You had set Yourself then at the head of Your people, and marched across the desert, You did not come in flesh and bone ... yet You were there ... and so it will be when Christ, in our days, declares that His Return is imminent ... the heavens and the earth will be set aflame and He shall turn the hearts of fathers towards their children and the hearts of children towards their fathers ... yet, no one will see You in Flesh and Bone ... Love will return as love ... for all of us will be in the True God, Consuming Fire, Triune and Holy ... 2you have now given a spiritual testament; this will be the road of My imminent return ... My return will renew you and free many of you from your transgression; when the renewal takes place many will be vested with Myself and all the saints and angels will give thanks for the gift of My Holy Spirit; what is the Day of the Lord? those who have and are persistently rebelling against Me will taste that Day and all it bears; it will come upon those transgressors as sudden as a thunderbolt, and like a fearful fire they will be turned into human torches; yes, the earth, as you said, will be set aflame and their consciousness will be revealed to them as a revelation; My divine fire will turn the inflexible heart into a lenient heart in My Day; the earth in agony will become fully aware in 2Now, Christ speaks.