True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 105 1080 Yes Lord; I have tried to keep every commandment of Your Lips; it is written that there is a River whose streams refresh the city of God, and that it sanctifies the dwelling of the Most High; God is inside the city, she can never fall, at crack of dawn God helps her; to the roaring of nations and tottering of Kingdoms, when He shouts, the world disintegrates ... 1 Your Holy Spirit is that River who constantly sanctifies the soul, our inmost self which belongs to You, my God ... My ear I open and remain silent for a while, for the Great King to come with power and graciously give His divine instructions, instructions that do not impose disorder in Your Law; so let the earth rejoice, let the people of the earth exult and cry out for joy as the King passes by us to judge the earth with justice and the nations with His Truth; acclaim the Rock of our safety, and let us gather in His Presence with thanksgiving; I have given you direct access to My Heart to blossom, flower, and to keep giving Me thanksgivings; keep giving Me thanksgivings and I will take them as your sacrifice and they will honour Me ... know, My beloved one, that to proclaim My Name gives praise and glory to Me; I love you, Vassula; the dead cannot praise Me; they keep silent; the world can never bless My Triune Holiness; it keeps silent; shadows of death loom here and there; I am Present and My Power heals and saves, but, look at the world today, very few responded 1Ps. 46:4-6. to grace and have not taken their refuge in Me, Yahweh; very few fear Me, Vassula; death is round the corner but even so, the world does not invoke My Holy Name; this generation refuses to walk with Me; in the land of the dead I have sent you, where havoc and despair reigns in many hearts; although the noose of the evil one is evident now, still, the world in its apathy continues to hate My precepts; My Law is constantly being broken; I lie awake throughout the night to meditate upon all of this and I cannot see the end of it; If You were not so close to me, Yahweh, guarding me, shading me, encircling me, I would die of sorrow; I lift my eyes to You with sorrow and sigh, knowing that my home is in heaven, yet I am on earth still; I ask often to myself: “what am I doing here on this earth in which I don’t belong, nor to anyone? I feel that I am lent out... I am lent out ...” I was by His side when He laid down His rules to me, after having brought me from the land of oblivion and death, to assign me into being; out of the swamp He lifted my soul, to reveal His Holy Face; Then, You have sent me in Your Name, not even thinking twice that You might be cheapening Your Sceptre and Your Splendour; You are crowning Your Works with Your bounty, and abundance flows wherever You pass; You load us with riches, You refine us like silver;