True Life in God Messages

Notebook 105 True Life in God 1079 and My compassion, I allow them to stay bereft and lonely with no one to escort them ... My favourite friends enjoy My favour; they are the masterpieces of My creation, for their hue is as radiant as sapphires embellishing with their radiance My Church and the cosmos as well; My favourite friends are so preciously dear to Me that, ahh ... 1 so great is My favour on them, I could not deprive them from being harried nor from any stone cast on them; perhaps you would think that I am insensitive, wrapped up in such thick clouds, too thick for pleas and prayers to reach Me, but it would be complete folly from My part were I to facilitate their path! have you not learned from My teachings? so go and tell your heart what you have learnt, say, “my portion is Christ, but equally so is His Cross and in the same measure;” I am not abasing you, on the contrary, I am lifting your soul to ascend in the heights of heaven in order to see the things that no eye has seen; I am the one who has driven you to walk in My Light; you do not need to be a craftsman or a philosopher to understand all of this! My favourite friend and fragrant tree, I have given you a good portion of a rare relish; it was indispensable for your progress ... now listen to Me and write these words: establish Our Beth Myriams everywhere you can; lift the oppressed and help the orphan; protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me, unload My burden and fatigue, support Me and encourage Me but above all love Me; all that you do to the least of My brethren you do it to Me ... I bless the supporters of My life, may they remain virtuous and all-loving; I am with you ... ic; 1 The Lord leaned while placing His right hand wide open on His Sacred Heart. June 1, 2002 It was You, Beloved Father, who created my inmost self ... and I have said: I will bless her inmost self with riches that come from Me; I will then be like a lamp for My anointed providing her inmost self with Our radiant Presence; “here, My Son and I will stay for ever, for this is the home We have chosen to abide;” oh come! you who serve Me, serving My House, approach Me and delight Me; come and learn: it is written that if you sin, you still are Mine, since you acknowledge My power, but, knowing that I acknowledge you truly as Mine, you will not sin; therefore, to acknowledge Me is indeed the perfect virtue; to know My power is the root of immortality; I wish that this saying becomes the theme of everyone; I have, My Vassula, been your Counsellor but Friend as well all these years, and even during the night I instructed your inmost self, giving your soul unbounded joy with My Presence; I have trained you with unbounded love to raise your eyes constantly on My luminous Presence and to no one else; I am and have always been your only Spiritual Director and Counsellor, giving your soul directives from Wisdom, I have not sent you eastward or westward, nor have I sent you to the north or to the south to look for spiritual guidance, for what better guidance given than by Myself? I was the only one who could peer through the shadowed darkness of your soul, to pronounce a true verdict to your inmost self and draw your attention to your disease; well then, have I not made you renounce to your rebellion towards Me? have I not traced out a path for you to take with My Name as your insignia and to follow My Footsteps so that you do not swerve while you walk?