True Life in God Messages

Notebook 104 True Life in God 1069 contain, but are a guide for you; they guide your life into a new manner to live truly in Me, improving your life, giving you hope and consolation; I can turn anyone from a wretched being into a Cathedral; judge not and I shall come to you to conceive My sayings into reality; Scriptures are the Image of Me, your God, do not underestimate them either but do not say you know them when you are far from knowing Me; observe the Commandments and fulfil their sayings so that you have a vision of Me; to fulfil My Word will lead your soul to know Me; then, and only then, you will become god by participation and not by the rule; have you not understood the meaning of: “listen willingly to any discourse coming from God?” have you been listening? the actions of every creature are before him; disasters, plague, famine, afflictions, wars, blood and death have replaced My flowers1 now through your own hand and through your sins; since many years now I have been blessing this dry land, coming upon you like a river, soaking it like a flood with My blessings; I displayed portents in the sky and I have been sending you My angels barefoot to enkindle, with My Word, your hearts; generation, I have sent them to warn you that unless you repented, prayed and made reparations for your sins, amending your lives, and unless you valued My Blessed Sacrament and lived holy, united, setting Me like a seal in your heart, you would, through your own fault, draw upon you all the evils of the earth; all that comes from the earth returns to the earth; the entire world is filled with such evil; 1Figurative word for blessings. I had asked you to return to Me, but My seed2 being dead did not hear Me, and ceaselessly kept offending Me; why, look, the sky and the heavens above tremble at My Visitation; 3 the mountains and the base of the earth today tremble with your iniquities; but who bothered his head when I warned you ten years ago about the retribution that lied ahead were you not to repent? who attempted to understand the way I move? and now, tell Me, who will report whether justice has been done? was anyone of you expecting the Towers to fall through your own sins and evil? and yet, ah, I had been warning you but your busy trading has filled your generation with violence and instead of leaning on the Father’s bosom reclining on Him, you have deceased the very moment you preferred to lean on gold and silver; and yet, your table remains to this day empty; I am your Banquet, your Wealth, and if I, God, have not become all things for you, how do you expect to obtain your reward in heaven? regardless of what you are and who you are, I want your well-being; this is why I administer My sayings to the simple who would, through the prophetic office I installed in them, go all the way to your feet to deposit this noble treasure at your feet; moreover, I have renewed them with the Holy Spirit so that what they will have to say, whether they are instructing you or correcting errors, they would do so with full authority; I have asked these dear souls to give up everything that did not lead them to Me, and only have one ambition, and that is: the wellbeing of My Church, and to be ready to fight all the evils attempted on My Mystical Body; yes, of course they would be persecuted because 2Us. 3 In other words: God’s manifestation through this message is so powerful and obvious.