True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 104 1068 I turned you into an altar on which I placed My prophetic office, granting to you all sorts of possibilities to chant My Words so that their sound may be heard in every sanctuary; 1 I filled you, in My delight, with mysterious sayings to raise My Name and reach distant lands and people; I put light inside your heart to show you the magnificence of My works; your ears heard and are still hearing the glory of My Voice and your spiritual eyes saw Me face to face; I have been flowering2 this earth to encourage those who were losing hope on My silence to gain hope, and revive; I have been, as I said, flowering this earth, but many instead of rejoicing, remained indifferent and their indifference stamped with rage on all that was flowering, giving oaths in My Name only on how they will be destroying all that is flowering; this was their daily concern; I am God, and I am mighty to forgive and to pour out wrath; I gave access to every human being to reach Me; I gave just as much access to every nation to read My Love Hymn; many have ignored My sayings; I solemnly ask everyone: what have you done with Scriptures? Scriptures are a mirror that reflect Me; how is it, if you say you know the Scriptures, you do not recognise My speech? how is it you so easily contradict the truth? I tell you, if you do not recognise Me in My sayings now, it is simply that you do not know nor understand the Scriptures that are a key of the Holy Spirit; if some of you say: “we do not need this prophetic revelation, we are not obliged to listen to it or read it because Scriptures are enough for us and we can learn all knowledge from them;” I ask 1 I understood that God meant ‘souls’. 2Sending blessings. you in your incredulity: “do you know why you do not believe and do you know why you are so indifferent and determined to close your heart? do you know why you do not seek anything beyond it?” it is because you have not the Holy Spirit who could have risen you from darkness into His Light enlightening your soul to see the Son together with the Father manifesting themselves to you; the Holy Spirit would have breathed in you a resurrection breath invigorating you, giving you life in Me; can a soul who is dead understand Scriptures and put them into practice if he is not alive? if you would have understood the Scriptures that are as a mirror, reflecting My Image, you would not have said: “Scriptures are enough for me;” no, My friend, Scriptures are not enough if you do not possess the Holy Spirit; it is through the Light of the Holy Spirit that Revelation can be understood and all that seemed then impenetrable mysteries in Scriptures, and sealed, would become knowable and clear because the key of knowledge would be given to you by the Spirit; yet, I tell you truly: anyone who has willingly accepted Me, even now when I am speaking, is blessed, because through Me he receives knowledge and Wisdom in such a prodigious way that it is as though he has read all of the Scriptures! he himself will be like a loud book bearing within himself the divine inspirations one obtains through grace; then, My daughter, when he reads Scriptures he would see, not only the words, but, as you have experienced, Vassula, he would see the deep spiritual meaning of its context with his spiritual eye; therefore, do not oppose My envoys who are like a loud book and an office of prophecy, they come from Me; they do not reveal more than what Scriptures