True Life in God Messages

Notebook 104 True Life in God 1067 1I have put him on your way; every step you take in My Name, I bless; every sound uttered from your mouth, concerning Me, I bless; behold, have more confidence, I have given you My Words in your mouth, so be of good cheer; continue to do good; goodness comes from Me; come, we shall continue My Work on this level; 2 allow Me to engage you for some more time; every word comes from Me; I have chosen you as My dwelling so do not afflict your heart for those who accuse you; I, your Creator, am with you, so feel happy; never forget this ... you are too small to understand this ... never doubt, come; August 20, 2001 Vassula, know that I, Yahweh, love you; never doubt of My Presence; I Am is with you and delights in you; progress, you will obtain from Me, let no one in this desert I have put you in, persuade you that I am not daily with you; worship Me and glorify My Name; blessed is he who caresses My ineffable beauty, and thirsts for Me, he will become My perfect garden; and I shall dwell in him; daughter, resist from the evil’s attacks by ignoring his attacks on you; My Name is printed all over you and this alone infuriates him; yes, he uses people and he gets his pleasure when they are sacerdotals who use slander on you; but evil will bring death to the wicked; while evil is going about foaming like a rabid dog, you, My Vassula, should do 1At this point I received an image of a certain priest whom I know. 2Level of instructions. the opposite, practise good, seek for peace, pursue love, plant righteousness and virtue where there is vice; be My aromatic scent; do not forget from whom you descend; with My Instructions followed, you will prove that you were chosen by Me to be My heaven set with constellations of every brightness; set out to draw to Me other heavens in which I can establish My Kingdom in them; oh Vassula! the hour of crisis is now looming over the earth; what this earth has sown is now going to be reaped; the devil will be pouring out his vomit over you, generation; all of his contempt he always had for you will be poured; field after field of iniquities, deceptions, injustices and vile sins have covered your hands; peaks of pride, peaks of selfishness, peaks of obstinacies, peaks of godlessness, peaks of every kind, endless peaks, as smoke is dispersed and seen no more, I will disperse; wait and you shall see; Yahweh is My Name! November 13, 2001 Vassula, I have been calling you now for almost sixteen years, and I have during these years allowed your eyes to see many things and hear things still more impressive; I filled you and others through My messages with divine light to be able to understand Me; I am the Light and above every light; I, in My splendour, transcend all lights, all luminosities; I can give light to anyone revealing Myself to him; your mind, therefore, should be united to Mine and I will immerse it with My divine light to see the things that no eye has seen and understand things with My Mind through My divine Light ... I filled you with the Knowledge and Understanding of Myself; yes, My child,