True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 104 1066 behold, this is the Heart that bled for you and for all humanity; this is the Heart of consolation and of mercy; this is the Heart that favoured you; whoever adores this Heart shall be veiled with the veil of Wisdom, beautifying your soul to enter thus, adorned, into the likeness of Myself; – can you tell Me, daughter, where were you born? I was born in Your Sacred Heart; 1 yes! you were born in My Sacred Heart; all who belong to Me were born in My Heart; have you not read: “he will cry out to Me: ‘You are my Father, my God, the Rock of my salvation!’ so I shall make him My first-born, the highest of earthly kings;” since his nobility will come from the King of kings, and because he will be living in the heights among those I deified through My Divinity; earthly kings belong to earthly elements, but those who are born of Me will have a higher dominion in heaven; ordinary people are a mere puff of wind; important people a delusion, set both on the scales together and they are a puff of wind; 2 therefore, say to your soul, My beloved ones: “rest in God alone, for He is the only source of your hope;” let your heart exult and your soul be renewed for in these times I am pouring My graces on humanity like never before in history; ic; 1The Spirit of the Lord gave me these words .... 2Ps. 62:9. August 14, 2001 My Yahweh is looking down from His Throne at us, at each one of us, studying us; who among us is ready to offer our Father a wreath of virtues? who among Your population, my Yahweh, is climbing Your holy mountain? how many are speaking the truth from the depth of their heart? who is blameless? I have been helped, and am still helped, since my soul in its wretchedness is constantly crying to You for help; were You, for even a slight moment, to turn Your Holy Face away from me; my life will shrink and will go down in the shadow of Death; You are my Light, my Feast, the Godhead who holds me alive; I will remain alive so long as You continue to breathe in me; You have in Your ineffable graciousness bestowed upon me so many favours; You have granted me to call You at any time, and converse with You, a gift difficult by others to believe; O Lord, help me to accept all their accusations! peace be with you; little flower, Mine; why should I not feel free to talk to you? or am I to take counsel from men now? (...) 3 there is more than that ... feel free to call Me when you wish; I, Yahweh, have given you this gift; I am free to give to whom I want and how much I want! delight Me, daughter, by having Me in your mind ceaselessly; 3 I said something here to Yahweh my God.