True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 104 1064 in order that every ear would hear Me and have the opportunity to discover Me; for the impenetrable heart I gave special graces to open it by My rays of divine Light, and, like a beam of Light, I shone even in those hearts; what am I to say today? have I failed to feed the Flock? have I ever turned My Eyes away from your sick and lonely? have I not levelled your path for you so that when you walk you would not stumble? have I not shown to all of you the depths of My Mercy? when I saw so many of you going down the alley of death and being so far from the path of Life, have I not intervened? but, ah! so many of you are still rebelling against Me ... as I have said before to the good and the bad; have I not said to you, daughter, to go and tell everyone, good or bad, these words: “I make My Voice be heard from above; I shout aloud so that everyone hears, good or bad; indeed My Voice has reached the ends of the world; the good alike the bad need to repent; the good for not doing exactly My Will and for not praying in the right way; many of them approach Me only in words; the bad, for committing mortal sins without ceasing because of their hardness of heart and their indifference towards Me;” but I will tell you what happens and what I mean; Scriptures teach you all, that once the hand is laid on the plough, no one should look back, for you will not be fit for the Kingdom of God; when you were slaves of sin you felt no obligation to righteousness, and what did you get from this? nothing but experiences that now make you blush since that sort of behaviour ends in death; but now you have been shown the way once more and are set free from the mire which is your sin and guilt; you have been made slaves of God but you get a reward leading to your sanctification, ending into your heavenly home; as for the wage paid by sin, is death; the gift given to you by Me is eternal life in Jesus Christ My Son; from an imprisoned life in sin I turned you into a free person, Vassiliki, free to walk into the path of virtues I laid out for you all; through grace I made you see celestial things that you knew nothing about; in this period of grace I showed to you all My Splendour, but after having showered on so many of you as well, all these graces, still, many are far away from Me; when I made known My Messages to this generation it trumpeted aloud: “come and hear the Word of God!” people rushed in throngs; they flocked all around My envoy to listen to My Words; they listened but never understood fully My Words, and these same ones still listen, they read but the Word does not penetrate their heart, and they still read, but their hearts are far away from Me; they do not act on My Words; they look rather for signs in the sky because their hearts are still not set for Me; yes, they listen to My Words with indifference and this is why they do not put them into practice; the Kingdom of God is among you but you do not see it for you have not repented nor have you given Me any kenosis; 1 if this miracle, for a miracle it is when I speak, did nothing to you and you do not see it, how then, you, who have received so much, expect to enter empty handed in Heaven? God is very near you and yet how is it you do not see Him? have you not heard the angels’ invitation to My banquet? have you not seen the largesse of My Hand? when I shout, the world disintegrates and many kingdoms totter; you have asked Me, daughter, when will I thunder My verdicts from Heaven? 1Greek word meaning: space.