True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 103 1062 - blessed are those whose hearts were open to be cleansed and prepared to receive the Holy Spirit for a transformation, they shall be deified and called sons and daughters of the Most High, they shall be called gods by participation; - blessed are those who have been perfumed by grace and their fragrance like blended incense, perfuming with their presence My Icons, they will inherit My Kingdom; - blessed are those who received My Holy Spirit and have become joint-heirs of My Kingdom, illuminating others with My Words and My Knowledge and giving the possibility to the rest of the world to understand the dogmas of the Church – they will be called collaborators of My Kingdom since they will be ruling with Me; - blessed are those whose faith is revealed through acts of charity and services done to the Most High, their voice resounding like a melody, honouring My House, they will be receiving the fullness of Myself and will be covered by the grace of the Holy Spirit; even after their death their body will be prophesying; 1 - blessed are those who allowed My Holy Spirit to govern them and herd them into My Fold; they will form one Body and will be forever united to Us, the Triune God; - blessed are those who after having been rooted in abominations, allowed the Holy Spirit to lead them into a metanoia, uprooting all the evil within them and allowing Him to pour Himself in them and well up inside their heart 1Meaning: their works will be remembered forever. vivifying the dead substances; 2 like roses in the days of spring they shall bud and blossom for they will be part of the new and holy royal priesthood; yes, they will be called the people of God, who will sing praises to Me for having led them into My wonderful Light; - blessed are those, who, for My sake volunteered to sacrifice their time and themselves to go out into the battle of your times to fight against the evil forces, enlisting themselves as soldiers; the grace of the Holy Spirit will sustain them and girt them with strength, forming them to rank among the predominant Archangels Michael and Raphael; - blessed are the breach-menders who renounced to their passions for My Sake and to all that held them prisoners to this world and became, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, associates of My Divine Plan, embellishing My House; their soul and their entire being will become like a glorious Cathedral; - blessed are those who have learnt to thirst for Me and to desire to embrace Me and possess Me, they have discovered the Prodigy of prodigies and that is: to know Me and understand Me in My sweetness; one who dwells in Me and is nourished by Me, raised by Me and clothed with Myself in glorious perfection, will be able to say: “I am one with God, for I am living now, while still on earth and among beings: a True Life in God ... I am like a fortified city, because my walls were rebuilt by the Holy Spirit Himself; with the Holy Spirit within my walls I am destined to everlasting glory; the Holy Spirit has shrouded my soul in a 2At the same time I heard the word: “matter”.